Hi Guys
I’ve been lucky enough to get both Alfrike and Clarissa. Need help deciding between the two. I only have the tabbards for one.
My plan is to also run Sif+9 to help boost Mana preferably in a Flank role.
The heroes I have available for this raid defence team are: Telluria+9, Vela+9, Mitsuko+7, Kage+10, Frida+0, Heimdall+0, Joon+9, Sartana+0, JF+9, Malosi+0. I also have Costume Quintus that’s an option but still have to level up, let me know if you guys think he’s a better option than Clarissa / Alfrike.
I also have some decent 4* Heroes, All of S1,2 and 3.
What defence team would you guys recommend and why ? My aim is to maintain around 2700 cups.
I am leaning towards Kage, Vela, Heimdall, Sif, Alfrike. Trying to only have one per class so I can move the Emblems around.