Alfrike or Clarissa

I love seeing enemies kill themselves after Alfrike lands her special.

It really is fun watching it happen, when I have the opposing team on the ropes and can easily finish them , I still wait for alfrike to go off.

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After encountering aflrike several times, she isn’t that good on defense side. Very slow make her long dead before even casts her specials.

Clarissa also not really threatening, but if i were u, between afrike vs clarissa, i would choose clarissa.

Between clarissa or freya, i like freya more as she is fast pseudo healer and def buffer

Who would you choose between these three: Killhare, Alfrike or Clarissa? I do have JF for Killhare.

I can only give opinions based when i encounter 3 of them on raid defense,

The best is killhare. Even if u don’t have JF, killhare is still a great killer. Dealing about 500 hp damage to all enemies is a huge AoE. Even greater than ursena i think (because killhare will give constant 300% damage everytime she charges, meanwhile ursena damage based on enemies hp left)

For Clarissa, she will be 2nd choice. For the damage she dealt, isn’t really life threatening

For alfrike, she is at the bottom of the list. Her very slow mana is major drawbacks. On defense, the opponent long kill her before she can cast her specials. In this current meta, very slow heroes is a dead hero. (Again this is opinion based on defense, she might be useful on offense. But well, even on offense, charging slow mana heroes take forever. Drake fong, GM, Vela will kill ur team before alfrike can charge once)

You can see more videos on my youtube channel, there are many samples of those 3 in actions, and u can decide for urself which one will be a priority for the tabards


Thanks for the quick and thought out response! I’ll let you know what I decide

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I really do like your analogy.

I would say Alfike shines with high emblems when you cant kill her with Vela and Gravemaker’s damage. She endures and then explodes. I agree with the commenter above, her effects and power are justifed for a strong hero.

Having said that I would still ascend Clarissa because she is well rounded and she is useful pretty much everywhere, titans, raiding, defense etc. I don’t think I would have the patience for a very slow hero to charge in titans or attacking, I can barely stand my Elena… :slight_smile:

My mana troops are currently at 23. 1 for each color. I also have critical troops for each color at 17. The mana troops will help speed up Alfrike’s special charging time.

I’ll soon be taking the mana troops to 25 for a while before taking them all to 30. With a 30 mana troops on Alfrike, she will fire a couple tiles earlier.

I’m not too sold on Clarissa from what I’ve seen plus my paladin emblems are on Telluria at the moment. I do have a lot of wizard emblems. Alfrike, being very slow is one that I might consider taking the mana path in the emblem tree.

I’ve also faced Alfrike in raids and if she fires, it’s basically game over. I always focus on killing her first because if she lets loose, I get decimated.

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Have u decided yet?
Now I think it’s better to choose clarissa than killhare.
With mana troops lv.11, u can ghosting 3 tiles and have clarissa charged, meanwhile it takes more tiles to charge killhare.

Both are good, but now i think on offense side, clarissa more beneficials since most of the time we playing this game on offense side. We can’t really control our defense side. How good ur defense setup is opponent can still beat it.

Clarissa will beneficial more if u have limited tabards, killhare can wait for the next

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Not yet…just got my 6th tabard so it’s call time. I’m not really thinking defense I have
Kingston+15, Freya+16, Black Knight+19, Telluria+16 and Ariel+17 which hold me in the 2600-2700 cup range overnight…
Really looking for the best offensive hero

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How do you like Freya? She’s at 3/70 for me right now. I also have Puss maxed. If I put Freya with Puss and Telluria, it would be minion mayhem

If I had Killhare, I would max her for sure. 300% to all enemies is a lot of damage.

Freya is an awesome hero…she is very under appreciated, IMO. Not only is she fast and she produces minions which act as meat shields, but she provides a +30 def boost. She works really well with Telluria in creating mass hysteria with minions all over the place. I love Freya.
So, I’m now deciding between Killhare and Alfrike…I think I’ve removed Clarissa from the running.


I’m with you on Clarissa. She’s in the queue but I already have the main purples maxed so my next one is more of a luxury. That’s why I’m leaning towards Alfrike, but if I had Killhare, that’s where I’d go.

Killhare is all over top 100 teams defense.

@wick_dawg, Did you pull the trigger on Alfrike? I just pulled a second Alfrike in a 10 pull this morning. I really wish I had 12 tabards…so I could do both Alfrike and Killhare…

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Yeah. Just got a Damascus blade last night and pulled the trigger on Alfrike. Still working on maxing her out. I’ve used her in a few raids and making my way through the new season 3 levels.

There’s a little learning curve to figure out how to beat use her. She casts 5 cubes on random enemies. So she may just hit 3 if there are 5 enemies on the board, but a couple of those will have taken 2 of her hits. If there’s only 1 or 2 enemies on the board, they’ll take all 5 cubes.

She has been so useful on the season 3 bosses. When you time her special right before their mana is full, they just kill each other. It’s fun to watch. I should have her maxed by the end of the weekend.

In Rush Tournaments, she’s going to dominate!

Congrats! Please keep me updated on your thoughts and impressions of her. I probably won’t choose for another day or two so I’ll be very interested to hear how she progresses as you max her out. Thanks for the update and congrats again on the final blade!

I chose today…Alfrike is a beast!

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Can you make an update on what do you think about Alfrike during that time? I have to choose between Alfrike, Freya and Clarissa. I have Tel, GM, Vela, Kingston, Ursena, Hel maxed. I hope you see this :smiley: