Advice Please for best Defense team

This is some of my heroes that I have worked on. Could I trouble you all for advise please on which ones to try to max , for the best defense , attack teams I can form.
Oh and also for titans too :speak_no_evil::blush:

Thank you so much in advance :pray:t3:


Ariel - Ursena - Guinevere - Kingston - Marjana


vs :purple_circle: Miki - G. Jackal - Joon - Inari - Vivica
vs :yellow_circle: Miki - Costumed Rigard - Ursena - Merlin - Marie-Therese (no specialmashing)
vs :large_blue_circle: Tarlak - Buddy - Mother North - Kingston - Lady of the Lake
vs :green_circle: Boldtusk - Wilbur - Khagan - Miki - Grazul
vs :red_circle: Miki - Kiril - Grimm - Ariel - Alice

You need to max them tough


Against yellow tank
Ariel - Ursena - Proteus - Merlin - Mother North

Against red tank
Ariel - Misandra - Kingston - Magni - costumed Rigard

Against every other team
Mother North - Buddy - Ariel - Ursena - Kingston


Thank you so much for your help and advise. It will definitely be a guideline. Most grateful :pray:t3: