Advice on next 4star Fire Hero to ascend

I have just got the hidden blade I was looking for and wanted to see who the E&P Community thought I should Ascend.

The candidates are Sir Lancelot, Gormek, Sumle, Sumitomo or Colen.

My current maxed Fire 4 stars are Wilbur+7, Kelile +13, Scarlett +2, Boldtusk (costume) +10

I was favouring Sir lancelot but have just maxed Kingston and he is likely to take all my fighter emblems. Has anyone maxed Sumle from Season 3?

What advise and wisdom can you give me?

I like Lancelot for his mana speed buff and high attack stat. He is very squishy though. But he is a frequent member of my Epic Challenge Event team as red is a great color for all of them but Grimforest.

I only used Sumle in beta, I liked him better than Colen due to his very high damage output. The only thing that can sting is when he misses his hit (chance is low, but it can still happen).

Gormek only if you need another defense dropper for wars. Wilbur is better otherwise as a red defense dropper.