So I’ve finally replenished my stock of fine gloves, and I’m in pretty OK shape on elemental mats, so I need to decide soon who I’m going to be leveling going forward. For context, if anyone didn’t know, I’m F2P, and I have all of the classic 4-stars on my roster, with at least one copy maxed, unless noted. I’m mainly looking to improve in war depth, tournament performance, and class trials, in that order.
I plan to do pulls a few different places this month in hopes of landing a miracle Telluria pull, but I’m not really counting on having any new non-classic heroes until I can hopefully pull some of the Sand Empire crew this summer. With all that said, anyone have insight on what to level next in each color, given the situations below?
Notable heroes: Azlar 4^80, Boldtusk +20, Gormek +20, Wilbur +14
Possibilities for leveling: Marjana 1^1, Khagan 3^70, Elena 3^70 (soon), Sumitomo 1^1, Boldtusk 1^1
Thinking: My current thought is to finish taking Elena to 3^70, then take Marjana to 4^80, as she seems a cut above the rest. I have enough rings for two legendaries, but I’ll be short on hidden blades for the second one. Marjana would replace Kelile 4^70 in my rogue teams, but will not get emblems, which are currently going to Domitia +13. Seems like I still see her a lot in diamond raiding, and I need a good third option when I need to go 3-2 red. Only hesitations are a) possibility of drawing Elena’s costume (I’m doing 10 costume pulls this month, and she will be featured); and b) slightly less depth in ranger class, plus Khagan is red against mostly green enemies in ranger trials. My mono red titan team is already pretty strong with Boldtusk, Wilbur, Scarlett, Colen, and Azlar.
Notable heroes: Thorne 4^80, Vela 4^46, Sonya +20, Kiril +20, Boril +19
Possibilities for leveling: Kiril 3^60, Sonya 3^60, Boril 3^something, Vela 1^1, Thorne 1^1
Thinking: Obviously, I’m finishing Vela first, so I have a bit on this one. Based on how much I use him, I’m thinking second Kiril next, but that could change if I draw a Sonya costume this month. Not really seeing a need for two Borils; I was leveling him because I had nothing else until I pulled Vela. Speaking of, I’m using Vela everywhere, and I’m not totally averse to leveling another one. I have plenty of capes, but only two scopes. Also, my TC20s could spit out a Magni, Isarnia, or Richard any day and change the calculus. Blue mono titan team is my strongest, with Kiril, Grimm, Vela, Sonya, and Thorne.
Notable heroes: Melendor +20, Caedmon +13, Buddy +13, Little John +15, Melendor 4^70, Caedmon 4^70
Possibilities for leveling: Kashrek 3^60 (first copy), Gobbler 3^60 (soon), Little John 3^60
Thinking: Yep, I’m hard up for green projects. No legendary in this color, which sucks. Hoping TC20 will spit out any legendary green, even Groot. RNG has been extra generous with sturdy shields, and I also have 12 tonics (like it matters at present). Melendor costume would be a welcome pull. Green mono titan team is pretty bad, with Brienne, Melendor, Buddy, Caedmon, and Little John. Yes, Brienne usually survives. My alliance only ever gets up to four-star titans.
Notable heroes: Onatel +6, Poseidon +5, Li Xiu +20, Danzaburo 4^70
Possibilities for leveling: Vivica 3^70, Ranvir 2^60, Leonidas 3^70, Wu Kong 3^60, Hu Tao 3^60 (soon)
Thinking: Since I prefer to run two healers most of the time, I think Vivica is next in line for darts. My monk depth is terrible, and Leonidas really shows up well in class trials, even at 3^70, so I haven’t fully ruled him out. I currently have 4 sets of darts, so without an RNG miracle, that decision is a couple of months out, anyway. Until then, my options are taking Ranvir to 3^70, taking Wu Kong to 4^80, and taking Hu Tao to 4^80. I had Ranvir before Wu Kong, so when I needed that mechanic against titans, he has been my go-to. (Again, my alliance only ever gets up to four-star titans.) I think I prefer Ranvir to Wu Kong because of his fast mana and sniper special, but Wu could probably start getting emblems when I finish Wilbur, since my only other monk option that can take emblems right now is Bane. Hu Tao seems to have some usefulness in fast raid tournaments; is he really that useless everywhere else? My fighter stable is quite strong, so I doubt he makes a trial team regardless. Mono yellow titan team is Onatel, Poseidon, Li Xiu, Leonidas, and Ranvir, so it could use some help.
Notable heroes: Domitia +13, Rigard +20, Sabina +20, Tiburtus +20, Ameonna +18, Cyprian +7, Sartana 4^20-something
Possibilities for leveling: Rigard 3^60, Domitia 1^1, Sartana 1^1, Rigard 3^20-something
Thinking: I can put this one off the longest, as I obviously plan to finish Sartana first. After that, I think I’m just going to level a bunch of Rigards. Cleanse is a powerful skill, and if I draw his costume, it helps my ranger depth, too. Not sure whether to max the 3^60 when I finish Sartana or take a second one to the mat wall first and see what else comes along. I’d really like to move on to Gafar after Sartana, but RNG will have its say in that. I just used all my tabards on Sartana, so if I start another Domitia or Sartana, they’ve got a long wait ahead. Purple Titan team is in good shape with Tiburtus, Sabina, Ameonna, Sartana, and Domitia.