About heroes - Obakan or wait?

Hello everyone. There are 21 royal tabards, the full heroes are Khiona, Sartana, Grimble, Domitia, Quintus (c). Do you think Obakan is worth doing in full? Or should I wait for another hero?

Obakan is underwhelming unemblemed, and he isnt the best Barbarian to invest emblems in. So, i would wait unless i had lots of Tabards and no other dark 5☆ .

You have the tabards but , in my opinion, you dont need Obakan with your current purple maxed crew

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Wait. And 20 more waits.


I think so too.
But the upcoming suit isn’t bad. If the costume comes, do you think it is worth making it completely 4/80?

I think the costume is just as awful as the normal hero. Diluted counterattack is even worse.


Hmmm, then 21 royal tabards will be on hold again :slight_smile:
Thanks for the help guys :slight_smile:

If u are f2p you won’t get as much good 5* purple as tabards. So you can use the tabards wherever you want… I prefer having different heroes that 2nd full ones. If you prefer second ones, I would wait for a second sartana


Not necessarily
Obakan is underwhelming? Yes. But if you make to pull his costume his base stats will get an important boost.
You may want using him in some scenario where tile damage (attack stat) matters.

You have lots of tabards so unless you pull a lot theres a big margin to still be able to max one or two darks you may pull later.

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Yes, I am not investing too much money, I just buy a VIP or Valor pass. There are a lot of 4 * items. That’s why I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to know yours ideas

I was in your same situation and leveled obakan.This eventr got Victor and I had yet tabards…
I have leveled victor and I have yet 10 tabards… And I will get many more before I get a non S1 5* purple.
Now I am considering leveling quintus, I will wait to have 12 tabards and then I will level him while I wait with the other 6 tabards for a purple 5*


I suggest you wait for Obakan’s costume to drop next costume event or wait for something better.

Don’t be so gung -ho on leveling everything and anything . Only choose the best

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The question is, would you use Obakan if you maxed him? If he’s just going to sit on your bench anyways then don’t bother. Can you make use of him at 3/70?


3/70 I don’t use much now. Thought it might be good for the 2nd purple team in war. So I was thinking full, then I was hesitant

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Early on I maxed Horghall because I had extra tonics and no other 5* green. Didn’t really use him all that much. Now I only use him on my 2nd green war team and he will likely be replaced soon by Lianna #2. Then … maybe rush no red tournaments? I now wish I’d saved the tonics for Elkanan instead. Oh well.

Maybe wait for a Sartana or Domitia or even Quintus. They will help the 2nd war team more.

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Yes, you are right. Better to wait a little longer. Maybe hero academy give a good purple 5 *
Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

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Obakan is terrible. If I were you, I would wait for the next purple hero of the month. He/she will certainly be better than this ugly pretorian sh*t.

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If you manage to get Obakan C then definitely max him otherwise wait.

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In my honest opinion, I prefer variety to to having too many duplicates.
If you only pay for VIP and POV then in your shoes I would use six of your 21 tabards to max Obakan.
He isn’t the best but every hero has a use in this game. You have nothing to lose


Nothing except 6 Tabbards, a D. Blade, and a Tome!!


Royal tabard 21, damascus blade 13, tome of tactics 11 :roll_eyes: But I didn’t know if it was worth to Obakan :thinking: