Abigail - 5* Fire / Red from Shadow heroes

yeah… they all have that… but when you are using one of these heroes… you aren’t really thinking about how you are getting less damage… you are thinking… oh crap… I’m at 100% insanity and I can’t get another red tile otherwise She’ll go off and effectively hit her own team and give the other team minions.


Do you have her title so I can update the wiki? Thanks.

Of course one of the worst insanity heroes is available at the same time as Covenant. Not even sure I would use this hero with my roster :confused: But since there is some strong heroes in covenant I am assumming lots will sommon and more than a few people will get “this” “secret” “0.1%” “hero”. These insanity have been really hit (OP) or miss (mehhh-like-this)…

Not a coincidence.

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My first secret hero. Hoping shes better than this forum thinks she will be


I think she’ll be fine… But you need to stick her minions behind a costume hulda or leadria’s minions. But… I didn’t think the minions are as good as water pipe… Evem cel… But if it is a protracted battle… She’ll be effective.

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Anyone have her title yet for the wiki update? I have been searching the web for any picture that shows it without success. Thanks for the help!

As bad luck would have it. When I conplain about it, I get it.


Can you click the magnifying glass and let me know what her title is on the second page so I can update the wiki? Thanks and congrats! Hey, a 5 star is a 5 star and one that I didn’t get!

Her title is “Investigative Journalist”

Yes, it is what @Kvothe mentioned.

Ps: This information can be also found in the Master Secret Summon topic.


Thanks, I will check there next time first. Good to know.

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This should be Whispers of Xulu (as given in the original Beta topic) and shown on card images above.

Jewel of the Deep is Atwood’s Special Skill name.

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Thx, It seems I forgotten to update it, when I have added the hero card details.
I have fixed it now.

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Would be great paired with anti minion heroes. She turning insane and giving the enemies minions means heroes like alucard, grimble, ogima have something to work with


@PlayForFun Looks like Abigail got buffed in the recent “balance update” and is now featured…

Continuing the discussion from June 2024 Balance Update — Details & Release Notes :balance_scale::

I am still not convinced that she is super good compared to the other available secret heroes, the minions are fairly weak and only add a little insanity a hit (5%) so unless they stay alive for a long time,maybe with some other heroes that summon more beefy minions, then its unlikely to stack insanity quick and trap them unless you get lucky… but you for sure mess up your own hero lol…so you’ll have to not use abigail or roll the dice on the next hit unless you spend multiple turns directly healing…


Has Abigail’s minion attack decreased from 30% to 20% in the last update? I can’t find any changes. From the post it seems like 30% and also from some photos posted above.

I have updated the hero card with June balance updates.

Despite her weakness, she has seen a fair amount of usage in the top 100

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I have to say, i was very disappointed when i got her. But leveled her just due to the stats. She really needs the 2nd LB to shine. Before that her minions are too weak and barely survive one slash attack. But with LB2 she is pretty good.