3rd Kigston or Lianna

Same dilema with me, but 2nd Kingston or Lianna,… and my Lianna is almost 3.70.
Here is my polls thread.
Another ascension help, who is my next green and others

I would plan to choose Lianna 1st, although emblems are at Seshat+18 and the rest for Tiburtus+19 (plan to max emblem +20, route def/hp costumed path).
But Lianna based on her stat, I think she is sturdy without emblems by default like Marjana.
My other green: Atomos 1.1, Zocc 1.1, Margaret 1.1, 2nd Telly 3.70, 2nd Kingston 3.70.

I have 10 Tonics.
Maybe after Lianna, I’ll choose Atomos, because I have lot of barbarian emblem and family Ursena+19 (plan to max 20+) and Poseidon+3 (not sure to max his emblem).
Well, I should try to re-arrange my AW defense 1st, before deciding later.

Sorry to hijack your thread, but I think Lianna is worth based on community so far, and a bonus if we can get her costume.

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