⚔ [27 Aug 2023] - 227th Raid Tournament - 3* Buff Booster, All Elements

Yeah… I started keeping AA for 5* and 4* right now, there might be few more decent 3* to LB2, but it’s always difficult with AA. I did 8 3* so far, but 3 of those are pretty much for titan as I chain 14* and if they one day add 15 and 16*, I want those to survive (Bertulf, Dolrak, C Brienne), while the other 5 are Faiez, Shrubbear, Kvasir, Dawn and Treevil. Some of other LB2 worthy ones are Maeve, Noril, C Tyrum, all S5 3* but Jarif, Zarel, Zarola to name a few.


Day 3

O : 5-0 (15-0)

Go with same tactic. The board is average to pretty good by overall. Win without losing any heroes.

D : 60% (30+)

Defense get many more win and up to A. Then follow by many lose. Stay at 60% win for now :smile:.

With this result, I am somehow at the top of the leaderboard for now :smiley:.

Yes, because all my heroes are LB2 and all my troop are at max level.

In fact, I think my tactic work well when all heroes are at LB2. Since it is 2-2-1 stack, if all your heroes are LB1 and all enemy heroes are LB2, the 2-2-1 stack doesn’t work well. Maybe, you should try 3-2 (3 Dark 2 Green or 2 Dark 3 Green) instead.

Anyway, it also depend on enemy team as well. Some enemy team, it appear to be better to use C Kvasir or Jouka. Overall, even with best tactic, the gap between LB1 and LB2 still pretty too big to overcome.


It is, I noticed. It sucks overall, but what can we do. Improving over time while LB2-ing your best options is the best we can do to overcame the gaps.

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Day 3:

O: 4-1 (13-2)
D: 6-5 (A/C/B)

One loss today, against this team with 2 Dawns. Unfortunately, green tiles didn’t want to appear. Managed to kill Bjorn and one Dawn.




Day 4

Mood: unamused :woozy_face:

O: 3-2 (16-4)
D: 4-1 (A/A/A/A?)

The level 60 teams I faced were tougher today as expected. One of my losses was a zero because somehow even going 2-1-1-1 lead to a lack of tiles to charge anyone :thinking: Seems impossible! The frustrating part was that it wasn’t even a great team I faced (Soroca-Noril-Sudri-Balthazar-Bane). But with a terrible board and nowhere to go, a loss is still very easy to come by with the power disparity.

Came across another LB2 Friar Tuck today (this time with costume) so it all balances out :wink:

Since I am ensured 4 attacks tomorrow, I did decide to buy back in for the last day. Only time will tell if I will end up regretting that!

Good luck to all still competing! :crossed_swords:


Day 4

O : 4-1 (19-1)

No another 25-0 medal again :joy:.

Go with same tactic. Lose against this team in 4th attack.

The board is full of red and blue. I can’t charge anyone even the tank fire twice. So,


Other attack is average board. Win without problem.

D : 60% (30+)

Defense get many more win and lose but somehow manage to stay at 60% again :smile:.


Day 4:

O: 3-2 (16-4)
D: 8-6 (A/C/B/B)

First loss to that not so high TP team, but I did some mistakes and managed to kill only Dawn. Kinsaishi with some buffs, on third charge crushed my poor Shrubbear like Congalach :wink:


Second loss (last attack) to that team, almost won. Managed to kill 3 in the middle and almost killed the others. One more move and I would charge Noril…


I’ll buy back tomorrow, I’d like to save top 1%.



last day, 4-1 to a total of 25-4. not disappointed at all. defence at 2 wins and 3 loses. with current ranking, should not drop from 1%


O - 14-8 (3-2, 4-1, 4-1, 3-2, 0-2)
D - 3-6 (E,C,D,D)

To be really honest, both boards today - absolute trash. I really don’t think I made crappy teams this tourney, boards were all horrendous. My 2nd worst tournament I continued in ever when I went 10-8 in 5* buff booster no purple.

Tank with Gunnar and 2 Treevils on flanks and I can’t charge my greens??? After so many moves? I really don’t think it’s my fault at all. Also never charged Jouka either. Only Kvasir once…

I really think I had unplayable boards majority of my losses. I took dispel always against buff heavy teams, but when I can’t charge it, what am I supposed to do.
This is a tourney to forget… But at least 80% of the blame goes to horrendous boards.


To cheer you up a little, no medal for me either this week. Had to bring a family member to the hospital emergency on Tuesday and it ate the whole day (everything is OK now). There is always next week…


Sorry to hear about your stress! Glad to hear all is okay now. :heart:

Last battle day….

Well, I tried! Competition was stiff, boards were mixed.

O: 3-2 (19-6)
D: (4-1) (A all week thus far)

Top 1% and really, really hoping it holds since I bought back in.

I am definitely at a point where I will start LB2 on my rare heroes as I’ve mentioned a couple times this week already. Having some level 60 heroes may not have made a difference in my attacks today, but I felt the strength of my opponents. Even with just the normal attack damage I took.

Here’s hoping there is fabulous loot for all no matter your rewards tier. :blush:


I remember that was my last results in previous 3* buff booster. Offense still bollocks - 19-6, but def all A saved me to get top 1%. Seems like 3* buff booster is really not that easy in offense.

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Got 25-0, how does this work with the medal? :wink:


2nd try to upload screenshots



As you have posted pictures of the attacks that is enough.

@Dudeious.Maximus will give you the medal.

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Final results
O: 19-6
D: 16-6 (72,7%) A/A/A/A/A

I am very surprised that despite 6 defeats I am guaranteed a place in the Top 1% (currently I am in 640th place). You can see that the results of tournaments have evolved a lot recently and it seems that more and more players are having problems breaking through all these 5xLB2 defenses.
Unfortunately, life is an art of choice and everyone has to decide whether they want to break 3* heroes. I only have 3 3* heroes with LB2 so far, so I guess I can be satisfied with the result :slight_smile:

Good loot everyone!


Day 5

O : 5-0 (24-1)

Go with same tactic. The board is average to pretty good. Win without much problem.

I think Basil is actually powerful tank in 4* buff booster. His x3 buff boost attack by 60% which make slash hit very hard. The slash is actually the main damage that my team receive from my one lose attack. I think shouldn’t underestimate the Basil tank and bring Joukahainen against Basil tank every times.

D : 54.3% (30+)

Defense drop to B now and seem to stay there :sweat_smile:.

Even with this result, I am around the top of the leaderboard for now. The B defense may make my rank drop but I think I will still end in the leaderboard :slightly_smiling_face:.


Woop congrats on 25/0 :green_heart::tada:


24-1 across the board. Defense needed to be better to be in top 100. But hell I’ll take it. Hopefully I do better on the next 3* tourney.