⚔ [27 Aug 2023] - 227th Raid Tournament - 3* Buff Booster, All Elements

Liam can I ask what made you go with Zarel as your first* LB2 green? (Edit: or possibly second. Missed reading Shrubbear when I posted.) And do you have any other copies of her leveled? In events when running mono green I’ve used Noril x2 (one with LB1) and have a trio of Zarola (not all LB). I don’t use all 5 at once, lineup depends on the event itself. But that’s a topic for another thread. :wink: Just giving you some context as to my 3* green roster. That being said, I have also picked up and saved multiple Zarel (1 leveled) but I never emblemed her because I had other Paladins in need.

I’m guessing Zarel must have great tournament utility that I’m not thinking of since you have her LB2. And I’m also wondering how many I should keep. :thinking:

My hoarding problem is no joke where 3* heroes are concerned :innocent: But you and others on this thread have inspired me to be more mindful of hero tournament usage when leveling.

Thanks a million!

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It’s her Bard bonus that gives 5% mana boost to solo heroes. In non-5* Rush tournaments with no mana troops, that 5% can make a lot of heroes (costumes, those with 4% mana nodes) charge in 6 tiles instead of 7.


Such a simple answer I completely overlooked. Thanks again! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Day 1:

O: 5-0
D: 1-1

Doing it on my alt, as on main I don’t have Maeve and Noril.
I thought that’s at last tournament which I can compete in, but all defenses had all LB2 and this is one of them :roll_eyes:


First day and it was so hard, that I think this tournament will end quickly for me.

My attacking team (3-2):
LB2 Shrubbear - LB1 cTyrum - LB2 Maeve - LB1 CBBelith - LB2 Noril
(maybe I should change the order, cTyrum should give evade to Shrub and healer)



I also have Zarel and I was improving her as fast as I could because I had very high expectations for her. Unfortunately, in the end it turned out that she does not suit my style of play and in most cases (despite the 5% bonus, which is great) she loses the fight for a place in my team. In fact, rush tournaments are governed by their own rules and I would venture to say that the amount of breaks of a given hero is not a significant factor in them (although I’m sure many people will disagree with me).

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O: 5-0
D: Not attacked yet

I decided to try to play this tournament with u2371s favourite attack team. Works great, cheers!

I typically colour stack a bit more, but new challenges are good.

Buff is a format I usually play as anti-buff, preventing the enemy from buffs, bring some debuffers etc. But I will endorse buffs a bit more this week and we’ll see how it goes.

My defence below:


I know. I actually try many thing until I found that team. I still don’t see any better universal attack team in 3* buff booster for now :slightly_smiling_face:.


Day 2:

O: 8-2
D: 4-0

I finally found some consistency in my attacks and used the team Maeve-Faiez-Dawn-Felton and either Kvasir or Shrubbear depending on if the enemy has Dawn/Kvasir/buffers or is heavy on damage. Lost my last attack today to a Kvasir tank + slayers and a bad board heavy on reds. I’m thinking of LBing Planchet for future considerations because he would be great in this war type against minion heroes and would work in tandem with Felton.

As for defence, funny enough I’ve only been attacked by groups with LB2 heroes and lvl 1/1 troops. Priorities, I guess.


1-1 today, i am officially out, this was the worst I ever done I think haha
Defense was A yesterday 2-0


Tried a new more Sarah Michelle Gellar attack today with Edelaide - Kvasir - Helo - Roxia - Jaco. A bit on the passive side, but Edelaide and Roxia 2nd charge gives the buffs and Roxia 1st charge slows mana with her stacks while Jaco steals mana.

Worked well enough in 4 of the matches against stronger teams. Took a loss against a Dawn tank flanked by Treevil and Rekhetre. Just couldn’t get Kvasir charged before she threw up her minions. Cleared them once but couldn’t do it a second time. Would have ended with a zero if not for a big cascade that killed her near the end.

Defense was 1-2 (D) on Day 1 but a win today and it’s back up to B. Results are about what I expected from this tournament so far. Let’s see what Bloody Wednesday will throw up.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 4-1 1-2 D 2,519 400 2,919
2 8-2 2-2 B 5,483 5,483

Good luck everyone!


10 points to Ravenclaw for the SMG reference :slightly_smiling_face:

Day 2

O: 8-2
D: 4-0

Started facing those full level 60 teams today. :flushed: Boards weren’t great, but luckily neither loss was a 0! I love Faiez but am wondering if I should switch out to a faster healer. In both losses he got sniped before I could come close to charging him.

Best of luck to all!


Day 2

O : 5-0 (10-0)

Go with same tactic. The board is average by overall. Struggle a bit in 2nd attack against a bit bad board. Lose one C Kvasir but with without problem. Other attack win without losing any heroes.

D : 13-10

End day 1 with B and it seem to stay at B.


Day 2
O: 3-2 (8-2)
D: 1-0 (5-1) A/?
Unfortunately, today nothing seemed to work properly and although the opponents looked less dangerous, I suffered two defeats. If the board isn’t in your favour, it’s hard to fight with one (or no) LB2 champ on your team. But this is my own choice, because at the moment I have decided to break only 4* heroes for the second time.



Good luck everyone!


Day 2:

O: 4-1 (9-1)
D: 3-2 (A/?)

Today started with similar TP team as yesterday. This one I managed to win with:


… but the next one I killed only tank and Dawn, so first loss in this tournament.


Next teams were a bit “easier” (but all around 3900 TP). These new heroes are for me much harder to fight than other 3*.



You defense has been working a lot

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Day 3 was Bloody Wednesday indeed. Faced almost exclusively level 60 defenders today with just one level 55.

Started off against 2 Basil tanks, both times with Dawn tank so had to keep Kvasir out of his costume and countered with Joukahainen - Kvasir - Helo - Grevle - Planchet. Won the first and almost won the 2nd, but Helo couldn’t outlast the opposing Faiez in overtime.

Won the next 2 against cKvasir and Joukahainen tanks. Against Joukahainen, brought out Zarola to pair with Roxia. Final match of the day was against a Jaco - Maeve - Edelaide - Dawn - Maeve defense. Purple is my weakest, so went with my Yellow stack. No chance at all. Edelaide fired and a cascade charged both Jaco and Maeve on the left. By the time the dust settled, only had 2 heroes left. Zero points for my 4th loss of the tournament.

With my defense mired in D (3-5), will not be buying back tomorrow.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 4-1 1-2 D 2,519 400 2,919
2 8-2 3-5 D 5,483 400 5,883
3 11-4 3-5 D 8,178 8,178

Better luck everyone!


As promised, I’ll only be doing 2 updates and final rankings from now on.

O - 11-4 (3-2, 4-1, 4-1)
D - 3-4 (E,B) 0-3 day 1, 3-0 day 2, 0-1 day 3 so far. Should have been unforgiving and go Dawn tank instead.

My tourney has been pretty bad, I might not be continuing Top 1% streak (90% likely at this point) and I lost my non-gems usage streak already in 3*/4* tourneys after 5 in a row without needing of gems usage and 5 in a row with a top 1% finish. Tbh I continued only to have easier raid chest fill up to the end of the week as I don’t waste my gems on single pulls anymore, so I have plenty and there is still that tiny, maybe 10% chance for Top 1%, maybe 0.01% is more likely :smiley:.

Day 1 was cruel, already 2 2LB Dawn tanks, went 3-2 with 3 greens 2 yellows, one of them being Kvasir, against both Dawn tanks no green or yellow tiles at all.
Then day 2 Waqas tank, no blue tiles whatsoever.

Then day 3 a def that really wasn’t difficult, I went more heal-support heavy as there was no healer, but if I go 2-2-1 team and board is literally full of purple and yellow that I don’t have in my team… And more and more kept coming…

1 loss for 0, 3 for 100-105, only killed tanks. So yeah, pretty much a disaster tourney for me.

I’ll try this on last 2 days. But I only have 1 Kvasir leveled, so I’ll put either Jouka, Jaco or Dawn on that spot depending on the def. And only Kvasir and Faiez are LB2.

Also it’s funny 4* buff booster I consider the easiest format for 4* rarity, but it seems like in 3* and 5* rarity, I have hardest time with buff booster tourneys :smiley:.


Today was a good day but a decidedly weird one. Went 5-0 on offense and managed to actually take down full level 60 teams. (Hooray :tada:) Here’s where it gets…weird :thinking: Unlike those of you racing LB2 Dawns I faced…a LB2 Friar Tuck :upside_down_face: And several LB2 Season 1 heroes without costumes. Matchmaking RNG was certainly on my side!

Given the difficulty of the last LB2 team I faced which actually had top tier heroes, I’m a bit worried about what tomorrow will bring. Snuck through that attack which went to a tiebreaker.

I stuck with the same attack crew that I have been using all week: Faiez, Felton, Maeve, Noril, Dawn. I’m too paranoid to change and while battles take much longer than usual, at least they have a chance to stay alive. It’s been an adjustment in raid style for me, but I like it.

O: 13-2

D: 3-1 (I wrote 4-0 yesterday, but that was a typo)


Well, I made it to Wednesday, but I don’t have enough alpha aethers to keep up in these tournaments. My heroes just aren’t on the same level as the defenses!

In other news, Edelaide is NOT a good tank. I do still like her though!

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I hear you. I haven’t started LB2 on my 3* heroes yet because I have so many that I love I couldn’t choose. Even though the week is going well for me, some of those LB2 teams are monsters. So likely my next LB2 focus will be solely on 3* heroes because these are my favorite tournaments. After this Mirages of Omega I’ll have a whopping 4 alpha aethers to work with :wink:

At least my defense is holding its own so far and some of the attacking teams have been at 60. All the heroes I’m using this week (offense and defense) are LB1 +20. Not sure how my non-LB1 heroes would fare, if at all!

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