Before, During & After the Tournament: Share & Discuss Your Teams, Thoughts, Feedback, and Questions!
Some topics to start off with:
Click for some suggested discussion points
Do this week’s restrictions on hero/troop rarity and elements make your bench depth better or worse suited to this Raid Tournament than Regular Raids?
Are there heroes you’re likely to use for this Tournament that you normally don’t make use of anymore?
Are there heroes you plan to power level for this Tournament, or level before the next time a Tournament like this one rolls around?
Do Costumes affect your team selection at all?
What are you thinking about using for your Defense Team?
Are there heroes you expect to see on Enemy Defenses that you think you’ll have a harder time dealing with than usual because of the restrictions or special rule in this Tournament?
Which of your heroes will you be likely to use on your Attack Teams?
Will the restrictions or special rule of this Tournament change your usual approach to color stacking or team building?
Are there elements of this week’s Tournament that are unclear to you?
Do you have feedback on the Tournament matchmaking?
Click for suggestions on information to include in Defence Team Tracking
Which day of the Tournament is it?
How may times have you been attacked today, and in total?
What is your Defense Team’s win/loss record today, and in total?
What Defense Grade does your Defense Team have?
Which heroes make up your Defense Team?
What is the Team Power of your Defense Team?
What is your current Tournament Score and Ranking?
After the Tournament: Share Your Results & Rewards!
Log & Guide to Raid Tournaments
A Log of past Tournaments, and an overview of how Raid Tournaments work, including Special Rules and Restrictions, Attacking, Matchmaking, Defense Grade, Scoring, and Rewards.
A nice variety of tanks faced on Day 1 : Scrollbeast, Margaret, tIsarnia, cZhuge, Smarttongue. Have been raiding exclusively 2-1-1-1 lately to make best use of my Legendary Troops and this is the first tournament to test it on.
With no healing, just putting my strongest heroes out there in attack. Used only 2 attack teams today : Ferrus - Gwynn - Pophit - c2Obakan/Frond - Darkfeather. All are 90/25 except Frond who is 85/25, and come with the appropriate level 30 LT. The extra Def and hp helped today to keep them alive in time to fire. DF’s healing doesn’t work, but the Growth and SS more than make up for it. Pophit’s Softskin provided at least some extra damage absorption.
Boards were good with not too many Reds and had some lucky cascades on the way to 5 wins.
Easily the highest first day score ever, even excluding the 200 points from the 0-1 defense. Already up to 7400+ TP teams by the end of the day so won’t be as easy tomorrow.
4-1 and I took out three in the loss. I’ll need good boards to keep it up, bloody is tough for me. Defense 0-1 and little hope to improve much I imagine.
10-0 on offense, 2-0 on defense so far. Enjoying the no Bernadette’s, which is all I face in normal raids anymore lol. This ranking wont stay very long, but happy with how I’m doing so far
No idea how I managed to get to 10-0 with all the crazy teams faced today. Every matchup, I’m thinking there’s no way I’m winning this one. Last 3 defenses had an Armand tank (the one I fear most this week along with Mena), a cDiaochan tank, and finally an all 90/25/LT30 Toon team with 7744TP.
Stayed with a 2-1-1-1 attack. 2 Purple tanks today and tJoon made his first appearance. Was as Bloody as it could get with my wings rarely surviving until the end of the match. Pophit continues to be the lifesaver with his Softskin. That gives his flanks Gwynn and Darkfeather just enough extra time to get charged up. And Gwynn is lethal in this mode with his damage + burn + poison core.
Defense got its first win early this week but still E at 1-3. Will need more 1000+ point wins to make up for that
Def Score
1-3 E
1-3 E
Not looking forward to Bloody Wednesday… Good luck everyone!
The one that I list, i killed 4 in and almost killed Cennius but they killed all my attackers, and then i got no tiles or none next to him to hut him with.
But i won a few i didn’t think i would. One team had Iga + Sludgus.
5-0 today here as well, and defense bumped up to 4-2. Boards have been average or better, allowing Nautica to get Siegfried and Starlass fired in time for the most part. Starlass firing into any ninja that is above 1x charge is fun, as it tends to trigger multiple turns in a row
Yeah, the one I lost was due to fiends, not minions. I can’t remember who it was but they went off twice and gave all of my heroes a fiend, so they all had 2x fiends on them.
But, while I hate them when they are all on defense, they are also very good to use on offense for your team too (minions or fiends).
Reached 11-0 before losing one to a Medea - Armand - Moonbell - Phorcys - Shimmerscale defense. Haven’t faced Moonbell much and totally underestimated their minions. Without Xiaotu, my only Lunar hero, couldn’t do much about the minions’ mana buff, but probably would have fared better with Grimble instead of c2Obakan in attack. There were more than enough Purple tiles for the Goat Rider. As it was, once Moonbell and Phorcys fired, couldn’t beat them down with special skills.
Bounced back from that zero to win the last 3 to finish Day 3 at 14-1. After not making it past Day 3 in 2 of the last 4 5* tournaments, this is certainly an improvement. Defense was up to C for a bit but now back down to D.
Def Score
1-3 E
2-3 C
2-4 D
Was in the same situation at 14-1 through Wednesday last week as well. But 3 straight losses ended that abruptly. Hopefully things will be better tomorrow Good luck everyone!
3-2 today, 12-3 overall. Defense down to a C. Got through one I thought I wouldn’t, but ran into my nightmare team at the end. Zhuge, Desmond, Daio, Mena, Lemonwood. I actually got a cascade that charged everyone, maybe had a chance… But it charged Lemon too. That was the end. Good luck all!
EXTREMELY surprised I managed to win today, Some very tough teams and multiple ones using Mena again. Goblins giving me negative accuracy and making most of my shots and tiles miss in my last match, but I managed to win that with just 3 alive who had barely any health (Darkfeather, Shacklebolt, Chikao).
Chikao is honestly a godsend, he is incredible. And then I use Medea to mindless attack the tank
4-1 again on Day 4 to make it into the last day with an 18-2 record. Lots of Mega Minions and Slimes today and replaced c2Obakan with Von Rothbart for an attack team of Ferrus - Gwynn - Pophit - Darkfeather - Von Rothbart. Worked well enough in the 4 wins even when a Toon would stop the spread or a monk (cZhuge) resisted the dance.
Loss was against a Mena - Slimgo - Mena middle 3. Used the same attack team instead of going 2 Green, but probably wouldn’t have made any difference once the tank fired and put the mana debuff. When the flanks went off as well, no one was getting any mana. Another zero.
Defense clung on to C (3-4) with a win 30 minutes before Day 3 ended.
Day 4 I did bad but i made it to the final day at least
Day 4
O: 3-2
I scored 0 on both losses today, they were tough teams unfortunately, and no tiles. When I would almost kill 1, they would go off and get some minions (costume diachon). It was annoying.
O: 17-3
D: 3-5 (B, D, E, D)
Score: 17,857 (Top 5%)
Bloody bad loss to start the day against a double healer team with Rosalind at tank and Mariol at flank. Her heal doesn’t work but that mega minion is annoying. By the time I could clear the middle 2, the wing Tamlin and Bonzo killed my team. Made the mistake again of using c2Obakan instead of Von Rothbart against a passive tank.
Won the next 2 including a new high of 1,009 points before failing in the 4th match. This time it was against a Luna tank. She fired once but managed to survive that and took her out. But a risky move of exploding a diamond didn’t pay off as the cascades charged both tElkanen and tRichard in the defense.
20-4 and with a defense that is now up to B (5-4) won’t buy back for that last flag. Currently ranked in the 2000s and might be enough to stay in top 1%.
After a string of bad 5* tournaments, happy to reach the last day without buyback for a change. Went 2-1-1-1 in attack for the first time and the results are encouraging.
Fell just short of top 1% this week and the loot was…
Just succeeded in 1 out of 6 rolls for Aethers. Guess I’m not doing any Black Friday or Costume pulls today with that luck
A short break from 5* tournaments to a 3* Buff, All Colours allowed. Too many heroes to choose from. Maybe I might try 2-1-1-1 or even rainbow in attack. See you!