Hi All,
Request your thoughts on 2 star troops with the 3 star tournaments in mind.
I go with the assumptions -
All you need to save/level are 5 troops so that if you decide to go mono, you have a full set
In 2 star troops, there are 2 varieties in each color
1 that gives higher attack at the cost of lower defence & health
the other gives you lower attack but higher defence & health
My question is which one of these varieties are better so that 5 of those can be locked & the others fed
I have included screenshots of the 2 varieties in eac color.
It depends on whether they are being used for attack or defense really. I may be a little conservative, but have kept 5 duplicates of everything, lvl 2 and above. They are worth so little when levelling up 4 star troops, I can’t see that my approach is completely awful. But I have been badly mistaken before now.
It’s for 3* Raid Tournaments, and Rare Challenges.
Most of the leveling was done a long time ago before my roster grew up. Now-a-days it’s mostly just when a PoV task is to level up a Troop.
There is potential value in either of them, not only by what the hero’s intended purpose is but also the rules of the tournament can be a factor.
First example, you could build a defensive team with a lot of healing in a rush attack making a team that is frustrating to defeat that using defensive troops would be more effective. You make a battle of attrition where the attacker loses from timing out since they struggle to defeat your team.
Offensive would arguably be the better option for something like Bloody Battle since healing will offer nothing and you would want to defeat the opposition before they beat you.
There are of course instances where a mix of troops based on role is best, it is purely situational and up to whatever strategy you attempt.
Both. The only difference is one has higher attack stat and the other has higher defense stat. I’d imagine supplementary heroes take the defense troops and the offense-heavy heroes take the attack troops.
e.g. Gunnar takes the defense+ troop, Azar takes the attack+ troop. (I welcome correcting on this but I still sit with both since it’s not like there’s a third alternative in the 2* tier)
In the just ended 3* tournament, my defense was Noril - cGunnar - Kvasir - Noril - cUlmer. Kvasir and cGunnar don’t do direct damage with their special skills, so they get the defense troops. The other 3 do damage, so get the attack troops.
When attacking, I used Belith as the main healer so she gets the defense troop. It reduces the tile damage, but I want her to stay alive longer so the def and hp boost is better.
The number of each to keep is dependent on whether you attack mono or some other stack. For Blue, I keep 2 def because I use a healer Frosty/Helo along with Gunnar
Like others, I’d generally say “defense troops for healers/summoners/other support, offense troops for attackers/others.”
If you do go mono, I guess keep maybe 3 of each for reasonable flexibility, or possibly even more realistically 3 offense, 2 defense (if, for instance, you generally bring more attackers than defender heroes).
If you never really go more than 3-2 color split, you might reasonably get away with not keeping more than four, even three, troops of each color total.