So since my 4* rainbow troops is 23 and forward im gonna feed 3+4*, its time to put some food on 2* troops for tourney.
My strategy on embleming heroes is to cap at somewhere the same heropower (for 4*s: 7 for costume s1, s1 normal 11, etc). So im thinking of something like this for troops too.
So, for 1 color:
1 def troops, 1 atk troop? another one to make it 3, tank and flanks and 3-2 atk formation?
I would go to’s tournament team tab and see what tanks you use for each 3* tournament. If there are any 3* heroes you use to tank in multiple 3* tournaments (ex: Bauchan, Gunnar, Shrubbear, etc), I would prioritize that color 2* def troop. Imo, the tank’s def troop probably matters more to successful defense than an attack troop for a flank/wing. I doesn’t take that much to max a 2* troop.
After that, I would probably do attack troop for the colors of snipers you use (Agnes/Bane, Namahage, Gato ,etc).
I personally would bring more 4* mana troops to lvl 5+ especially since more costumes for Average speed heroes will be released.
Same here @Guvnor. I have two of each color at +5 with three purple and three blue at +5. Eventually, I’ll get one of each color to +11 and hope sometime in the future to get all my +5s to +11s. I don’t see taking them beyond that as I only use these for tournaments and events.