⚔ [14 Aug 2022] - 173th Raid Tournament - 5* Bloody Battle, No Ice/ Blue

Well yesterdays flow didn’t continue, horrible day… 2-3 (15-5). 3 losses in a row, tanks were Khufu (0 points), Ruby (tankbuster), Ludwig (tankbuster). Against Ruby team I managed to get 3x charge for her, so that’s that, Khufu team not much different, Ludwig team maybe I did a mistake by not bringing another dispeller, there could’ve been a change to dispell the special. I only brought Devana, and didn’t get the tiles as the loss against a slow purple tank tells. Did all my attacks with the Devana-Uraeus-Kara-Hulda-BK team.

Defense still B, a couple more attacks, wins and losses. (E-B-B-?-?) I don’t think a top 1% finish is happening anymore, but 5% is still good enough, even though it now costed 75 gems already. Lately I’ve been getting only gray coins as a reward anyways, no matter if it’s 1% or 5%


Days 1 to 5 : 5-0, 4-1, 5-0, 3-2, 5-0
D : AAAAA (71.4%)

On the 4th day encountered Khufu tank 3 times and lost 2.
On the 5th day, which was on the edge of a cliff, encountered Khufu tank 3 times, but managed to win all of them.
I don’t use Elizabeth much anymore, and Ferant tank did better in bloody tournament, so plan to rip her emblem off.


Entered the last day knowing that I just need around 2500 points to be safely top 1%. Of course the game decides to throw me against some of the toughest defenses possible :sob:

First match

The 3 Dark heroes made it a simple choice to go Holy stack with Mist - Devana - cLeo - Cristobal - Anastasia. Got the tiles to kill the tank. The 2 El flanks fired but I had enough Yellow tiles to fire the Mist - cLeo - Devana combo multiple times.

Next up

This seemed perfectly suited for my 4 Dark team, but got a lot of Green instead. From the start it was a matter of salvaging some points. Killed Papyros and Khonshu for 264 points, though that was loss number 3.

Next match was easier against a cBK tank with Khufu and Lewena flanks. Got my Dark tiles and was a quick win.

Which for some reason led to me getting matched against the number 5 team in the leaderboard

Needed a perfect board to win this and to put it mildly got Khufued for a zero :joy:

That left me at 20-4 with 17798 points and a ranking around 5500. Usually, I wouldn’t buy back with just 1 more match left, but with a D defense I thought it worth it to go for it. Luckily got an ‘easy’ 5000+ mono Red defense so could win it.

Tl;dr 3-2 last day and had to buy back in to finish 21-4

Defense is firmly D (8-14) now but should be enough to stay in top 1%. Current rank is 2201

Good luck to those still yet to finish. Hope we all get some nice rewards tomorrow :four_leaf_clover: :crossed_fingers:


Love it. New dirty word to use when something goes bad in the game :laughing:


Come to think of it, it is quite fitting that Khufu ends in F-U :rage:


@Liam_K Dont get KhuF-Upped! :sweat_smile:

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We need a Bard hero with the ability to stop Chain attacks. We can call the Special Skill ‘Unchained Melody’


Worthy an hour to go I think it’s time to call things.
O: 21-4
D: 10-2need

Ultimately for the last couple days my lineup was Seshat, cSanta, Ludwig, Khufu, and Freya. I got screwed over a couple times by the boards, but Seshat took care of the major taunters, and Khufu took care of the rest. Good week.


Top 50%, better than the bottom 50% right? haha
Pointless in posting the loot, although I think I did get 3 to 5 dune coins, hooray!


Not so great for me, finished in top 10%.

Having un-lb Ilmarinen tank was a bad gamble, will try again in rush.

I was attacked 28 teams and only survived 10 - D grade


O: 17-8
D: 2-9 E/E/E/E/E

I prayed for green aethers…

aethers :ok_hand:
emblems :ok_hand:
everything else :poop:



Final results
Offense : 21-4
Defense : 10-17 (BBDDD)
Score : 18955
Ranking : 6013 (Top 1%)

Happy with the 21-4 in attack against all these new heroes with their passives and family bonuses. A bit disappointed that I couldn’t finish without buyback but still a much more fun tournament than last weeks Treeasco.
Defense started well but ended up about where I expected.

Loot was forgettable other than the reset token and 50 emblems for Liu Bei

See you all next week. Back to getting Azmia ready. Should be a fun tournament!


I ended in the top 1%. The loot is good.


Well, the best part of the week is that this defense ended up as a “B.” Only 3-3, but that is much better than I expected.

Elena actually serves as a decent counter to the scourge of OP hit all heroes in the meta now. She’s the best I have anyway! I wish I had someone like Tyr to pair with her.


I got 20 emblems and 3 small aethers for top 25% and I take it. mainly those 2 small red aethers… I have so many red 4* I wanna LB and I’m done with my LB 3*s. Sadly I’m behind with red aethers, cause I missed 1. red aether quest… didn’t play very actively back then and I missed it lol.


Defenses of the top 10 finishers


For all the hate Elizabeth has been getting around the forum as “outdated” she sure seemed to handle herself fine here!


Agreed. Also struck me that for all the OP talk with Khufu that there is only 1 in the top 10. I’m not saying that this is proof he isn’t OP, but maybe not as much as perceived

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Thanks for sharing it :slight_smile:

Maybe just not so many people have him already?