⚔ [13 Feb, 2022] - 147th Raid Tournament - 3* Bloody Battle, No Nature/ Green

Lost 2 attacks due to Treevil paired with unforgiving boards, defenders scored me an A all the time.


Fell 2 matches short of 25 at 19-4. The last loss was against this team

Just couldn’t neutralise all the threats in time after cGunnar fired. Took care of the Blues and had Treevil Pixied, but Maeve hit exactly in the middle of my remaining 3.

Defense has settled on B (17-15) after a horrendous start. Currently ranked in the 22000s. Hopefully enough to stay in top 5%


Good luck to those yet to finish and may we all get nice loot tomorrow :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover:


Day 5

O : 5-0 (23-2)

Go with same tactic. I think another Tyrum is more save than using Treevil :sweat_smile:. At least, x2 Tyrum + Balthazar can kill at least 1 target for sure. The board is pretty good today. So, 5 simple win :slightly_smiling_face:

D : 52.5% (30+)

Get many lose today and down to B grade for now :joy:


0-1; depending on my defense maybe just enough for top5, maybe not.

Update: an hour before the end, I fell back to top10 at position 55K. But my defense won one more and is at A (6-4); hopefully that will push me back into top5.

The timing of my wins of my defense was bad; while being about B, my score is EDCB(A). If the win/loss timing was reverse it would have been AABB(A), or 1500 points more…


Defense is at 4-2, so fingers crossed! Currently at 10%. Good luck to everyone!


Had a rough day at 3-2. I bought in cause
I was at the border line of Top 1% and Top 5%. I hope I don’t regret spending the 75 gems.

Defense is holding at 3-2 (A). Hoping the extra 900 points will bump me up to Top 1%

Rank 12274. Score 14218


I think my team Kvasir - Pixie - C Tyrum - C Tyrum - CB Balthazar can win this battle but will be hard win. From the start board, you can get 9 purple at start. I think the problem is that the board dry up after that and yellow tile rarely appear. I understand that you never charge your yellow in this battle. But I think another C Tyrum is better than Poppy since 4 of enemy can apply ailment. And Bjorn’s 2nd hit is unreliable and need 10 tile. It also look like that your purple aren’t strong enough. C Tyrum + Bjorn + purple tile at start can’t kill tank and Maeve flank. x3 purple is enough but will also weaker yellow. Yellow is supportive stack. Pixie can block one target and Kvasir minion heal. They make you live longer for charging main stack.

…Anyway, I think you don’t have 2nd Tyrum like me :sweat_smile:


Final results
Offense : 19-4
Defense : 19-15 (EDCBB)
Ranking : 38933 (Top 5%)

Today’s loot is kinda hot :fire: :wink:

See you all next tournament!


Great loot, congrats! Here’s my final stats:
Offense: 14-4
Defense: 4-2 (BAAAA)
Ranking: 74928 (Top 10%)

Happy with the sturdy shield, now I have enough to ascend two green 4*s. :smile:


Yes, and I wasn’t at my sharpest yesterday, so I didn’t make the bestest moves and charged my c-tyrum too late. I actually do have a second leveled tyrum, but I haven’t emblemed him.

Anyways, defense finally getting to A was enough to push me back into top5. Offense 17-4

(And compass nr. 30 and a troop token)


Since many people here get top 5%, it look like I also get top 5% loot too even with top 1% tier :joy:

Your seem to be better than mine :rofl:

I have 2 with LB+20, one focus on attack for normal version and one focus on attack for costume version. I never regret to put emblem on they :slightly_smiling_face:


Loot this week :

Last week I got only 1 aether 3* from my top 1% loot. :rofl:


Again, no 5* Aether in Top1%, but 100 emblems :):


Didn’t make Top 1%. Feel like I wasted my 75 gems. Top 5% loot was disappointing


Uhh the freakin’ bloody battle 3* that I hate lol.

Heroes/Teams I used : After this tournament, I don’t find anything other than 3-2/4-1 and mono viable in these tournaments, cause tile damage is kind of important here, as you don’t want most of your enemies to fire. As for heroes I almost always used Kvasir and I was mostly doing 3-1-1, but this was the last time. I think 4-1/mono is actually preferable for me in bloody battle.

Points/rank :

Defense :

Offense Results : 18-7 (3-2, 5-0, 3-2, 4-1, 3-2) I tihnk same as previous bloody battle 3* tournament, so not really good…

Defense Results : 14-5 (A,A,A,A,A) Treevil and Kvasir flanks are really deadly this tournament so I put them near Gunnar tank and it did really well! Average/slow heroes in general can actually be pretty deadly anywhere on defense in bloody battle if they pack serious punch.

Loot :

The most garbage out of last 4-5 ones I ended in top 1%/5%, this one high class garbage too…


Defenses of the top 10 finishers


Decent loot last week, 100 emblems and some ETT. What’s worrisome is that I haven’t got an Aether III from any loot source for almost 3 months. Like, come on SGG? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I will try Kvasir + x2 Treevil flank in the next 3* bloody battle. I have 2 Treevil at 55+20 and just pull another one in my last coin pull :rofl:. The 3nd one all be 55+20 as well. x3 Treevil with x2 Gramp defense will be fun in very fast 3* :smiling_imp:


Looks like Treevil+Kvasir has been discovered as the most performing 3* bloody tournament duo regardless of color restriction.

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It irrationally bugs me when the color restriction seems to have so little impact on top defenses. That’s a lot of Kvassirs yurple.