Aha, and here I was thinking it was some subtle way to influence matchmaking, lol!
Well my defense with bertulf nordri gunnar karil kvasir is getting hammered, so these posts with “last winners” are not worth much
4-1 on the 2nd Day. Same as the previous day, went either 4 Holy or 4 Dark stacks in attack. Boards weren’t the greatest and Pixie had to save me a couple of times against opposing Treevils and Sudris just as they were charged up.
The one loss was against a Maeve - Nordri - cGunnar - Bjorn - Nordri team. Blood Battle can be less forgiving than Rush when you have a bad board since you can’t heal. By the time the Yellow tiles came, Bjorn and Maeve had killed off half of my team. Managed to salvage 280 points though.
Those will come handy since my defense has been going through the lows and highs with 3 losses, 3 wins, and then 2 losses for a D at the moment
Day | Offense | Defense | Score | Def Score | Total |
1 | 5-0 | 1-3 (E) | 2803 | 200 | 3003 |
2 | 9-1 | 3-5 (D) | 5523 | 5523 | |
3 | |||||
4 | |||||
5 |
First goal is just to survive until Day 5 against these all LB teams. Good luck everyone!
Day 2
O : 5-0 (9-1)
Go with same tactic. The board is average by overall today.
Almost lose against this mono-yellow double-Kvasir double-Poppy team
Go with 2 yellow 3 purple. The board start with 6 purple under tank and then dry up. All 4 enemy left fire. Luckily, those 2 Poppy only hit once. End with my Kvasir - C Tyrum vs enemy Kvasir(left flank) - Poppy (left wing). My Kvasir is killed by enemy Poppy right before my C Tyrum kill that Poppy. Pretty close win
D : 6-5
End day 1 with C grade (2-3) and back to B grade (6-5) for now.
Sitting 8 &2 in attack so far. Seeing lots of Nordri tanks.
Somehow my defence is 5 wins and no losses.
Dsy 2; another 4-1. Lost the last match against this monster:
Board was bad; and could only silence one tree. The other one wrecked me
Did not recover from that.
Had lots of bad boards… the only good board today was against a 3healer team…
Defense won one today for 1-1.
well Im already out of the tournament, the amount of bad boards was just incredible. Maybe its just me but most of the times when I achieved a good rank the week before, the following weeks are just plain awful. Must admit, Im starting to care less and less.
Day 3: Attacks still going pretty well, today boards were somewhat better than before, so no major issues. Tactics was the same. 15-0
Defence was 2-2 at the end of the day 2 (A B), currently 3-2 - there’s hope for a decent score there this week.
Good luck everyone!
Day 3
O : 5-0 (14-1)
Go with same tactic. The board is pretty good today. Treevil is ok choice against CB Gunnar tank if it isn’t target by enemy sniper . Almost lose in 1st attack because I use wrong Tyrum
. I use C Tyrum against CB Gunnar tank and enemy sniper kill my Treevil before it can fire. Luckily, the board is good enough. I lose 3 heroes in that attack
D : 14-9
Go up to A grade for now
Day 3, defense is at 4-1. Some tougher battles, attack went 3-2, so only one loss left now. Still, somehow managed to crawl up to 1%, temporarily I’m sure.
I wished I had cTyrum finished against some teams, but he’s only half done, so I haven’t brought him along. I met one team with a healer tank though so that was nice.
Day 3 and apart from a terrible board at the start leading to a zero, the other 4 matches went smoothly. Continued with using either 4 Holy + Tyrum/cTyrum or 4 Dark + Kvasir
Defense has been slowly improving daily E → D → C. At this rate it will be A by Day 5
Day | Offense | Defense | Score | Def Score | Total |
1 | 5-0 | 0-2 (E) | 2803 | 200 | 3003 |
2 | 9-1 | 5-8 (D) | 5523 | 400 | 5923 |
3 | 13-2 | 8-10 (C) | 8171 | 8171 | |
4 | |||||
5 |
Good luck everyone!
After Day 3: O: 13-2. Had trouble with c.Gunnar. Guess I see why may players preferred him over Gunnar in their defense.
D: horrible luck. Had no attacks Day 1. 1 attack (win) after Day 2. And 1 attack (lose) Day 2. I got an E, B,D.
With the poor Defense um sitting at top 5%
Day 3 finally went my way. Decided to copy @Slobix and go yellow-heavy with poppy/kvasir/pixie and blue with nordi and chick. 5-0.
Defense is at 3-3 (B), but the timing of wins is bad, so E/D/(hopefully B) in score.
I also want to go as @Slobix as well. But my Poppy is only 2/14. Kvasir - Pixie is useful even in buff booster. Kvasir can charge in 3 move which make him better than other average healer. Pixie is the best choice against Treevil and slayer. About Poppy, I think another Pixie is better. Poppy is good but she can’t save you from
Day 4 will be known as the day I had to repay my debts to the RNGesus. 2-3 (17-3 overall), and there is really nothing I could do about it. Live or die by RNG.
Defence jumped to 5-2, so now it has A B A.
Let’s hope I won’t die after the 1st battle tomorrow, for a chance to stay in the top 1%.
Another 4-1 day. The single loss came against a Melia - cTyrum - Kvasir - Namahage - Poppy team. Went with Balthazar - Maeve - Kvasir - Maeve - cTyrum and made the mistake of not killing Melia when I had Balthazar and cTyrum charged up. Melia, Namahage, and Poppy fired in sequence and quickly wiped out my heroes. Almost lost another but somehow Pixie survived while having fiends on her and shut the last Maeve down just before she fired.
Defense has continued its climb to respectability with 4 straight wins to move up to B (13-12). Reaching 18-12 (60%) and A will be a long shot though. Still, a B defense will help a lot in holding on to top 5%
Day | Offense | Defense | Score | Def Score | Total |
1 | 5-0 | 0-2 (E) | 2803 | 200 | 3003 |
2 | 9-1 | 5-8 (D) | 5523 | 400 | 5923 |
3 | 13-2 | 9-11 (C) | 8171 | 500 | 8671 |
4 | 17-3 | 13-12 (B) | 11011 | 11011 | |
5 |
Good luck everyone!
Day 4, won 2, lost the third (my last available loss) against this team:
Went with yellow and purple (pixie, bane, maeve, balthazar, tyrum). Defense is still 4-1, so that’s BAAA.
Day 4
O : 4-1 (18-2)
GO with same tactic. The board is average by overall.
Lose in 2nd attack against this team
Go with 2 yellow 3 purple. The board start with full of red/green/blue. Enemy Kvasir fire before my Kvasir and this time I bring Treevil instead of C Tyrum. So, my Kvasir is useless. I focus on taking down enemy Bjorn but he has only 25 hp left before enemy Kvasir heal him back. Enemy Bjorn’s 2nd hit hit my Treevil. And when I charge my Treevil, enemy Morris jump out of hole and kill my Treevil right before it can fire. Then the board dry up again. The battle end with that I kill all minion on enemy Bjorn with that only 25 hp left
Mvp of this battle is unexpected Morris !!!
I can’t remember who is the first person in this thread who lose because of Bane but I think I am the first person in this thread who lose because of Morris
Almost lose in 5th attack against this team
Go with 2 yellow 3 purple. The start board is pretty good amount of purple and rare for yellow. Purple diamond at start but just need 1 more purple tile to charge my Treevil. Enemy Gato fire right before my Treevil can fire but I can dispell so no problem on that. But enemy C Tyrum is about to fire and my Treevil has only 230 hp left (It is hit by Gato skill.). I fire CB Tyrum → Treevil → CB Balthazar on enemy C Tyrum. Unfortunately, enemy C Tyrum dodge my CB Balthazar . The board dry up. Enemy Kvasir fire before my Kvasir AGAIN. Moreover, enemy C Tyrum also cleanse my Treevil’s ailment back. The battle and with only my CB Balthazar at about 200 left before kill enemy Kvasir on right wing. It is very close battle.
After these 2 battle, I will say Treevil is ok against CB Gunnar tank but if there are Kvasir or C Tyrum. Another Tyrum or Balthazar will be better than Treevil
Other attack is pretty good board, no problem.
D : 60% (30+)
Hope it stay at A
Another day with 4-1, so made it to the last day without rebuy.
I lost this match: decided to bring my anti gunnar team, esp dispell for bertulf.
Board said: idiot, should have kept your yellows.
. Board did turn, but too late. Corner jarvur didn’t have the necessary amount of purple or blues and lived.

Did finally get into top1. Hopefully I can remain thete tomorrow.
Defense is up to 5-4