⚔ [2 Oct, 2022] - 180th Raid Tournament - 3* Bloody Battle, No Nature/ Green

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

Preparation Phase Begins Battle Phase Begins Rewards Distributed
(08:00 GMT)
(08:00 GMT)
(08:00 GMT)

:no_pedestrians: This Week’s Restrictions & Special Rule

:fire: :leaves: :snowflake: :sun_with_face: :new_moon_with_face:
Elements Allowed
:superhero: :star2:
Hero Rarities Allowed
:person_fencing: :star2:
Troop Rarities Allowed
:fire: :snowflake: :new_moon_with_face: :sun_with_face:
No Nature/ Green
:three: :star:
or lower
:two: :star:
or lower

:dizzy: Special Rule: Bloody Battle

Health Boost, Direct Healing, Heal Over Time, revival, and similar effects have no effect!

:timer_clock: History

=> Most Recent Occurrence of This Format: ⚔ [13 Feb, 2022] - 147th Raid Tournament - 3* Bloody Battle, No Nature/ Green

=> Click Here for Log of Past Tournaments

:left_speech_bubble: Before, During & After the Tournament: Share & Discuss Your Teams, Thoughts, Feedback, and Questions!

:speaking_head: Some topics to start off with:

Click for some suggested discussion points
  • Do this week’s restrictions on hero/troop rarity and elements make your bench depth better or worse suited to this Raid Tournament than Regular Raids?
  • Are there heroes you’re likely to use for this Tournament that you normally don’t make use of anymore?
  • Are there heroes you plan to power level for this Tournament, or level before the next time a Tournament like this one rolls around?
  • Do Costumes affect your team selection at all?
  • What are you thinking about using for your Defense Team?
  • Are there heroes you expect to see on Enemy Defenses that you think you’ll have a harder time dealing with than usual because of the restrictions or special rule in this Tournament?
  • Which of your heroes will you be likely to use on your Attack Teams?
  • Will the restrictions or special rule of this Tournament change your usual approach to color stacking or team building?
  • Are there elements of this week’s Tournament that are unclear to you?
  • Do you have feedback on the Tournament matchmaking?

:clipboard: Defense Team Tracking

Hat tip to @wineybrit for originating this thread idea with the second Raid Tournament

Click for suggestions on information to include in Defence Team Tracking
  • Which day of the Tournament is it?
  • How may times have you been attacked today, and in total?
  • What is your Defense Team’s win/loss record today, and in total?
  • What Defense Grade does your Defense Team have?
  • Which heroes make up your Defense Team?
  • What is the Team Power of your Defense Team?
  • What is your current Tournament Score and Ranking?

:gem: After the Tournament: Share Your Results & Rewards!

:world_map: Log & Guide to Raid Tournaments

A Log of past Tournaments, and an overview of how Raid Tournaments work, including Special Rules and Restrictions, Attacking, Matchmaking, Defense Grade, Scoring, and Rewards.

=> Click Here for: :medal_sports: Raid Tournaments – Log, Overview, Attacking, Matchmaking, Scoring, Restrictions, Special Rules, and Rewards

JekylandHyde XXV medal:


Top ten 10 teams featured a lot of Kvassir tanks.
Kvassir was not an option in this recent poll, but folks seem to think Jouk is the best tank.

Maybe the Treevil nerf will change Kvassir’s value?


I think no. After the nerf, Treevil is still powerful but in different way. He hit harder. He is still the best tank in 3* very fast.

And no green mean no Mnesseus costume, I think I will go with Kvasir tank + x2 Treevil flank :smile:.


First draft, opinions always welcome. Wish you all a good tournament!


Best tank for this tourney is:

  • Kvasir
  • Joukahainen
  • Dawn
  • Nordri
  • Gunnar
  • Gunnar costumed
  • Yao
  • Gato

0 voters


…so I don’t want to change anything :slight_smile:

It’s off topic, but look at this



I already put my comment in that thread, but I don’t think color matters-Kvisar is the best tank in 3 star bloody battle (with the possible exception of Dolgoon when red is out)

I’m planning on this:

One of these days I need to level Maeve…

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I will go with this defense :slightly_smiling_face:.


q: jarif passive ‘70% dmg to all’ does more damage to enemies with nordri defense elem down blue ailment?

Yes, when my Sergei’s passive active when I fire 1st charge, it do more damage than when it is active when I fire 2nd charge.


First draft

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Second draft

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Going to try this.


My idea:



@Dudeious.Maximus if your biggest teampower is with max blem and lbed heroes, you will get attacked by similar tp opponents. so i recommend using a defense very near to that max tp.

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Just gonna go with this and see how it fares:

Mielikki just ate all my druid emblems, so this will have to do for Kvasir for now.

And another 4-1 start. As usual with Bloody tournaments, my emphasis is on speed with fast and very fast heroes. Attacked with 3-1-1 with Kvasir and Dante the constants. Against Blue and Yellow tanks, it’s Dante - Aqeela - cKvasir - Poppy - Bane while against Kvasir tanks it’s Dante - Aqeela - Kvasir - Balthazar - cTyrum.

The one loss was against a Kvasir - Dawn team

Didn’t manage to kill Kvasir before he fired, and once Dawn put out her minions, my heroes were no longer charging.

Defense is 1-0 and already better than last week :joy:

Good luck everyone!


Day 1:

O: 4-1
D: 1-2

Not a bad start. a little grumpy about the loss because i just needed one more turn, just couldn’t get any tiles under the wings until it was too late and they both went off, managed to survive but then got slashed to death one turn before i would have won. oh well. should have gone rainbow? haha, just kidding.

pic of oh so close loss

just couldn’t get any tiles under Waqas until it was too late, my winning tile match is there at the bottom. :man_shrugging:

D got a win, better than i was expecting? :laughing: currently in 5% with 2506 points, rank 25398.

good luck gettin’ bloody everyone! :drop_of_blood: :shamrock: