⚔ [09 May, 2021] - 107th Raid Tournament - 5* Bloody Battle, No Ice/ Blue

I was thinking this:

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Any recommendations? Should I change the hero positions? I also have Kingston/Phileas Fogg and Uraeus (good with Elizabeth). Any suggestions?

Let’s see how it goes. Two fast snipers, one fast def down, one very fast tank and a lovely Lady who loves to give back.

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I think I’m going with this one.


Let’s go bloody.

This is a gamble but oh well, can’t do better.

I like the way you think. I’m probably going to go with this defense. Good luck. :beers:


Either of the following, will decide last minute as usual:

Tanking Liz over GM because Malosi can make a wimp out of GM, but he can’t prevent the mana slow from Liz (tested this myself). Only 3 red heroes to counter Liz - Grazul, Garnet, Vanda, and only one is useful for this format. Ursena makes stacking yellow a bit riskier, and even if blocked by Malosi still really punishing against a yellow stack, but average speed is a definite drawback. Moreau’s blind can and will be incredibly annoying for this particular format, and the only effective 5* counter is Zimkitha (or block with Vanda). His passive also means he is one tough SOB to take down with specials, which is even more valuable for bloody battle. But of course, two purples will invite a yellow stack with nothing to punish stacking such way if not using Ursena. Could also get unlucky and hit only two whereas Ursena can’t miss… :thinking:


Definitely swap Ursena and cTibs around, if both go off you want Ursena to hit after the def down from cTibs.

This is what I expect to see in the top, yup, they all are there. :ok_hand::joy:

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thanks! Doesn’t happen that often, but if it does, it can really make the difference between winning and losing. I changed them and gave tibs the mana-troops, so he probably will fire before ursena.


Day 1:
O: 4-1
D: 0-0

Yup, my loss was against the team bellow tp 4000 with Wilbur as a tank. All those dangerous red tanks couldn’t do anything, but Wilbur did. :joy:
I brought 2 counters, Malosi and Ametrine. But, Wilbur withstanded Malosi’s block, had zero puprle tiles and yeah… I should have brought 3 counters. :joy:

Happy gaming!


Day 1

O : 3-2

1 lost from bad board and another lost from my heroes aren’t powerful enough. Overall, the board is average but I don’t have many powerful 5* and most of them are blue. So, I think I will be out pretty soon.

D : 0-0

I decide to go with Marjana+19, Horghall+19, Wilbur+19, Khagan+19, Joon+19 in defense.

@Slobix It look like Wilbur is pretty painful in 5* bloody battle no blue as well :smile:


DAY 1:

W: 5
L: 0

Lucky day with nice boards that helped me to win.

These were the enemy teams:

I went with 3 red and 2 purple in all battles but in the last one, where I took Grimble. Proteus and QoH were the most helpful heroes, especially the queen when Alfrike in the third battle was able to charge.

The defense team is at 0:1 and I don’t expect to get good results in this case

Good luck and take care. :wink:


I’m not active in this tournament but I’m still keeping a close eye on this thread and cheering for you guys :smile:

@Silencio I think that’s quite some lucky matchups! No really devastating reds. I hope day 2 will be gentle on you as well :smile:

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I hope so, but it’s as if the game wanted to tell me: let this stupid player trust on his possibilities the first day and then let’s take him back to the reality with overpowered teams and nasty boards. :sweat_smile::rofl:


Good 5-0 start. Went with my regular Dark mono raiding team

cRigard’s heal doesn’t work but the Attack up and Cleanse makes up for it. Didn’t face any minion summoners or Grimble would have come in for Proteus. Boards were generous but the difficulty ramped up quickly from a 685 first match to this Elizabeth tank for 712 points

Fortunately, got the 6 tiles needed for Clarissa and the 2 ninjas to charge up and take Liz out.

Some last minute leveling and embleming of the Leonidas costume hopefully gives a better chance for defense, but 0-1 so far :sweat_smile:

Good luck everyone and hope you don’t face any fiends :spider::spider_web:


Seshat-Frigg-BK-Oden-Alfrike. All +20. No healers. No blue heros.

Day one was maybe not bad, but definitely not good :sweat_smile:
O 3-2
D 2-2 B

Those two destroyed me completely, against Liz the board was a catastrophe, after she fired with the mana slowdown there was nothing to do anymore.
Against BK the board was much better, but the combination with kadilen c was absolute deadly, wasn’t able to dispel BK because of the dodge, specials all did only 1Hp damage, was brutal to watch although the board wasn’t that bad.


4-1 offense, 0-0 defense.

I have to question why somebody uses Baldur on his defense. You know, the guy whose special skill mostly depends on him having more than max HP in a tourney where healing doesn’t work. So basically his special is a 150% single hit.


4-1, went better then expected. And my one loss was barely, just wing obakan which charged before I did with my last remaining hero.

Defense is at 1-1.