You are totally right, had it that way because I needed to add some nodes on the talent grid. I’m going to try this in the end:
Both could work. I would recommend Pixie. On Rush mana fills faster so her skill will trigger “earlier”. Mana control is very good on Rush.
Problem is AI is beyond stupid, and Pixie may or may not choose the right target when used on defense. She’s amazing on offense though since you can manually pick the correct target. Blind will always be useful no matter what, so Bane is probably slightly better.
I had the same thinking as you before. I just want to test it this time. Her effect is so strong that the “dumb use” probably cancels out in the long run.
Day 1: 4-1, with a loss against this team:
I think I made a mistake when trying too hard to counter everything that was going on. In the end, it was just too much of everything except my fire power. Killed just Gunnar. Defence untested yet.
DAY 1:
W: 3
L: 2
A heartbreaking first day. I set high expectations for the 3* tournaments, but I realized that they are harder than the 5* ones.
I lost against these teams:
I made a big mistake in this battle. I thought that Muggy’s special was dispellable, so I used Belith first and the fired with the rest. The enemies revived and then c. Hawkmoon released her HoT. Nothing to do.
The blue tiles just came a bit late and the board was full of red tiles after the last cascade… No need to say what happened. Sudri almost annihilated my whole team.
My defense team is 0:1 now, so gems won’t be used in this tournament to go on. Reaching the top 5% is an utopia.
Good luck and take care.
4:1 currently, was almost 3:2 if I didnt get 15x combo to clear board on last turn
Lost to Jahangir going twice before any of my healers could heal. Literally all 3 were 90% mana filled… If one healer would fire, I would won
But what I wonder more is, how come, my first defense was versus offensive team with almost each hero +20? My heroes have at most +1 emblems At least it was succesful
4-1 start. Went with this attack team all 5 matches since I didn’t face a Gunnar tank yet
Only loss was to a By-Ulf tank and Sudri flank with the reds too scattered on the board.
Double mana cut defense is working so far at 3-1. Good luck everyone
Day 1
Offense: 5-0
Defense: 3-1
Offense: 5-0
Defense: 3-1
Score: 2,503
Thanks for reply . Went with Bane . Didn’t matter . Defense stunk and took three losses on the first day . Oh well . Maybe next time .
Day 1
Started out good…2 wins. Took a break. 2 losses…could not charge my heroes. Won the last one.
3:2 not quite satisfied
Defense: yes honey
2: 0 A
4w 1l
My defense team is still virgin…
Lost the fight against this:
Man! How did i loose this??? Still not understand… crap board and not enough concentration…
The rest of them: eazy-peasy… shame that on the very first day a did manage a lost battle… at least not zero…
Good luck everyone!
5:0 day one!
first 3 games were pretty easy, stacked 2-2-1 and 3-1-1, depending on tank
Last 2 matches I faced +200tp teams so I decided to go with my strongest mono team and it worked out wonderful
Def 1:1 atm
So, there’s a problem with my defense. Virgin Frosty got excited and crashed my tourney team.
I was looking forward to see what that Defense would have done with experienced Frosty.Def: 0-4
Ouch, that’s bad. Maybe to power level him? Maybe you can save something if you max him asap. It doesn’t take too long to level a 3* hero…
3* rush tourneys can be summed up in one phrase: #AllLuckNoSkill. Opening board pretty much decides your fate 70% of the time. Might as well just run rainbow.
Day 1
O: 4-1
D: 4-0
Single loss due to an unwanted cascade, which caused Bjorn+20 to fire at me twice. Which was survivable except of course he hit both my healers (Grevle, Kvasir) both times. So right off the bat lost all healing and got slowly sliced to death. Yeah ■■■■ that.
But to be fair, one opening match against a Jahangir+14 tank, had a blue diamond right under him. Let’s just say the defense had absolutely no chance, only Prisca managed to fire after 3 heroes were dead and she barely did anything. So like I said, #AllLuckNoSkill to the max.
Anyway at least my defense is making other people rage which makes me . Went with this in the end (sorry Pawa, maybe next time)
Attack 8 - 2
Defence 8 -3 Still A
Defence Team is Pixie, Gill-Ra, Grevle, Nordri and Namahage… All +20. They seem to be holding up!!
Day 2: Looking good! 5-0 and 9-1 overall. Today I opted for 3-1-1 with Grevle and Kvasir usually being off colour. Blue (Nordri, Gunmar, Jarvur) or red (Bauchan, Sudri, Skrekok) being the main force. Worked like a charm. Defence is at 1-0, so rated A after the first day.
Raid chest was just cherry on the top:
Thanks for the suggestion. I hadn’t worked on a 3* in a while and had never tried that. I was able throw enough recruits at HA1 to combine with my TC2 and TC11 to level him last night. Talents didn’t max though. I maxed and emblemed him this morning. So, I have two Frostys now, one attack and defense path. I will strip one, or both, when I have a rouge 5 to deal with.
The defense went 1-1 with him maxed with level 7 talents.
DAY 2:
W: 7
L: 3
I don’t know why, but I felt that the battles were easy but one.
I lost against this team:
That Muggy is turning me crazy. A team without a healer but I had to kill the enemies twice… and the game focusing on one of my heroes until it was dead. Bl*** RNG.
The defense team got an A yesterday with 3:2 but today is going 1:3. Let’s see what’s going happen.
Good luck and take care.