Zenobia with the mats?

Here is what I use fit my mono, she with my 6 rings or save them?

So I think timing makes the more difficult than it should be. She got rings from me, is great in a red stack, against titans including mythic. I would say yes for sure. But also looking at your maxed reds, you do some pulls, so with season 5, war of 3 kingdom heroes coming out, you might want to see what you pull there since only a month or so away.

But if those were not so close, maxing her would be a no brainer.

I’d rather have Zenobia than Elena.

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Only reason I Elena around is for the counter when they attack knight. If it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t use her

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Thanks for your input.


Yeah I figure BK taunt is good enough and you don’t necessarily need the counterattack on top of it.

But what you have is a solid synergy. I’d opt for faster and higher base stats.

Zenobia was the second red legendary I received, and just got my sixth set of rings this evening. Felt great bringing her to 4.1!

(And now the trudge to 80.)

I’m trying to decide whether Zenobia or Sekhmet get my rings

Sekhmet 100%!

Zenobia is best used for titans and challenge events, where she is more than servicable at 3/70.

Elena will soon counter everyone who despised her with the superior fighter talent and family bonus