We are currently Looking for 2 active players to join our Allinace. 600+ trophies preferred but will accept lower level players if they are active and strive to better them selves Currently hitting 6/7* titans and players that chose to participate in wars must use all 6 attacks. Must hit titans daily
About us:
We are a laid back group that are very active there is always somebody online to talk with and a active chat outside of app
Trophy average in group of 1200 but range from 500 - 2000
If you are looking for a fun group to grow with check us out
Search for Win some, Lose some in game today!
See you on the battlefield
Hey i would love to join your alliance. I am in one currently with 26 players but 5-6 team mates have been inactive over a week. A couple have been inactive over a month. I would be on the lower end of the spectrum of experience and power on your team but i am active daily and slowly grinding away. Id love to be in an alliance where everyone is actively improving. Anyway if i meet your criteria and you still have an open spot i would be more than willing to join
Im not sure how to send a pm on here. Im at level 20 almost to 21. Trophy count hovers around 800 im at 827 right now. Best team has a score of 2300 and its hawkmoon, grimm, caedmon, prisca, bane. Let me know if you need other info and no worries if im too weak for you guys. Im still pretty new
Will do. I have 5 hours left on the titan i am fighting right now. Unless there is any reason to rush id like to get the loot from from it before i switch. So if there is no rush expect my application tommorow morning. Otherwise let me know and i will do it right now. My name in the game is daveythewolf
Also a heads up before you accept me. I am very new to wars. Only fought in one and didnt fully understand it. Part of the reasons i want to switch alliances is learning wars and grow overall in the game. I love hitting titans and am active daily so id like to join an alliance that is also.