Hey our alliance is growing pretty steady. Too bad only 19 player are in it, but most of them are serious player. Hope we can recruit more awesome player to add to the family. Very low key, hit titan (currently at 6 star), alliance war, and wealth of knowledge. Your TP have to at least 3000, The alliance name is Hythe Heros, See you there.
World order is looking to merge a group with is. If you are interested let’s talk.
@ deputyCMDR
Sound good.
Let talk to see if we are good fit.
We are lookjng for a almost no rule alliance. Almost meaning only rule is we communicate for wars and titans. Comms can be used for other but that’s it. We are a line app user group. We ask for participation but all agree real life takes priority. We are a very helpful group and love to chat. Mostly it’s about the game which is good. When members start missing three titan attacks and two war we give a notice that their inactivity may cause them to be removed. That’s it. Something you are interested? Hit me up on line to talk RT. My id# 13689031