Who's your Monk - Wilbur or Wu Kong

I’m not spending my monk emblems for a long time. That is unless i give them to Bane.
But, once i have the mats, probably Wilbur. He has been amazing in keeping me alive in challenge events.
I’m not in the Wu fan club…even though he does see every titan fight.

For me, it’s Aeron with focus on defense and health. I use him on probably half of my raids, and I think that would make him easier to use both on offense and on defense.

Then probably Wilbur after that.

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You forgot “banana fana fo filbur”.


Exactly the same here. WuKong focused on health and defense.

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I’m more conflicted than ever.

I take Wilbur almost everywhere, Wilbur is love, Wilbur is life. I was pretty certain he was going to get the emblems. But Wu is every titan. Without having, or being likely to get Tarlak, Wu is really important and likely gets more out of the added stats than Wilbur.

It’s so hard. Luckily I have been sitting on 29 tokens for awhile now, no pressure to decide.

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Same here… I mean I love Wilbur and use him a lot for raids and stacking but he’s in my line-up for “most” of my titan teams. Given that I don’t have Tarlak, Wu Kong is in ALL of my titan line-ups. If I focus on health/defence… it means he helps me out every day to survive longer and be stronger against titans. I think I’m going Wu… I’m at around 60 emblems… time to commit.


I chose Wilbur. Here’s my rationale:

My defense team is at approx.4040 and I’m raiding 2400+, often 2600+. My alliance kills 8s and some 9s. (I’m very happy as a team leader on it.)

I use Wu on all titans. Keeping him alive with heal pots and healers for most if not all of the 90 seconds is not too hard.

I only use Wilbur for now on green and purple titans. Take Grimm for red, Tibs for yellow, and Grimm or none at all for blue. Sometimes go mono color on purple too.

Bigger issue i am having with Wilbur is taking him out raiding at high trophy levels. He’s too squishy for my likes at that level. Therefore, i decided to boost his health/defense to get more use out of him.


I have not spent my Monk emblems yet.
Monk heroes that I own are Wu Kong, Wilbur, Tarlak and Joon.
I wanted to spend the emblems on Tarlak, but now that I have Joon since yesterday I find it hard to decide. So I want to ask your opinions: is Joon a good option to spend Monk emblems on? And if you had the same four heroes, which one would be your Monk?

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I have 3 of 4 of those all maxed.

I chose Joon because I use him the most. That is how I decided who gets my emblems. Except for Sorcerer because I only have Natalya. Gonna use her more now.

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Good point. Tarlak won’t make my defense team, but Joon eventually will.

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Here is who I used them on at this point.

Sorcerer Natalya
Rogue Khiona
Barbarian Grimm
Druid Caedmon
Monk Joon
Wizard Onatel
Ranger Lianna
Cleric Rigard
Paladin Sonya
Fighter Boldtusk
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I have Wilbur and Wu maxed but also have Tarlak (3/70) currently waiting for 3 more tonics… In this moment I mainly use Tarlak for all ice, nature and holy titans, and Wu for dark and red. I use Wilbur just for green titans. Almost never use Wilbur, Wu or Tarlak while raiding. What do you think? Should I wait for Tarlak to use my 180 emblems? I just have 1 reset token.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I also have Santa (3/70) waiting for 1 ring

Depends on your usage for them.

Wu for better survival against high level titans.

Wilbur for raids. Not so much for titans since his special gives health link that already increases the survival rate.

So no fix answer and really depends on what you use them for.

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How about using 45 emblems on both Wilbur and Wu since I think most people will use both on titans. Rest of my monk emblems will be used on a 5* later.
My titan lineup is usually:

Wilbur + three + Wu

The cost is minimal for both to have 6% withstand proc +15 defense.

If you reset, you lose 4 emblems for each player I think.

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For titans, at most give 1 emblem to Wilbur and the rest to Wu.

You can just mana pot Wilbur to share damage.

Wu needs every last ounce of hp to survive against higher level titans.


What he said…if you don’t have Tarlak, Wu is a must for Titans and he needs the help far more more than Wilbur. Wu living through more than 1 hit helps your whole team score.

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@AirHawk @TooOldForThis agree wu is more fragile.

Tbh, I’m such a dreamer, I keep hoping for the mythical tarlak.

OK, I’ll try Wu +2 for now. My Wilbutter is class 1 and he’s usually ok vs mostly 11*, thanks.

Well, I am using all my monk emblem on Wu Kong I would not trade him for a Joon either.
of course, Tarlak will be an exception.
Oh wait! Tarlak’s special doesn’t last for more than 4 round.

I love wukong but since i gave emblems to wilbur i love wilbur much more.so wilbur for me

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Thanks for this post and info all.
I have emblems to use on Wu Kong
Question for me is:
what is the route to take on the talent grid? Do I do only health and defense and try to avoid all the attack as emblems use?
Is health better than defense for emblem use on Wu Kong?
Thanks in advance all