As a relatively new c2p player, I’ve been very fortunate to get a couple of stellar 4* heros who happen to both be Monk class. Who would you give emblems to? I’m a long way from having any maxed 5 star heros, so I think I’d prefer to try out the Talent system now. Also, I know a lot of people use both heros especially against Titans, so I’m interested to hear others’ opinions and hopefully start a discussion that’s useful for more than just me.
Here’s why.
If you choose the defense/health route of the talent grid…
You can get Wilbur to fast mana (9 tiles to charge) with just a lvl 11 4* mana troop.
Wilbur Wilbur bo bilbur me my mo milbur WILBUR
Where has this sheet been hiding? And would you share the link?
It’s a tool put together by @Kamikaze_Assassin
Before you start editing anything, make a copy of it first(click file in upper left corner, then “make a copy”). The upgrade tool is one of the tabs at the bottom. It allows you to select a hero, then click through the levels selecting which talents to upgrade.
Appreciate it thanks. Missed the addition to the Links page.
Does that same logic not apply to Wu Kong?
Yes, but I think wilbur has more value at a max lvl 20 talent grid than wu does.
But that’s just my opinion.
Let me elaborate. I think Wilbur’s shared damage, defense buff, and defense debuffs are more valuable to on a raid/war defense than WU would be. I wouldn’t mind trying out Wilbur in a flank position for a war after maxing his talent grid out.
I’m currently using an attack team consisting of Vivica, Gravemaker, Khiona, Tarlak and Wilbur.
Wilbur works REALLY well with Khiona’s skill, since ANY hit on the team will bolster the atk-buff that does also stack with Tarlak’s 100% increase to regular damage. All without any loss of accuracy!
On the other hand: If one lacks Tarlak, he might want to resort to using Wu Kong, especially for Titans.
9 tiles isn’t fast mana (8 tiles)
It’s fast enough for me.
I have both, i love both but ill go with Joon, because he’s also Monk, he’s in my def and i use him a lot.
if i talent Joon way up. Does it means that he will gain very fast mana ? (6 tiles)
If those are your only options, Wilbur blows Kong away. Far more versatile, and will be a boon for raids as well as titans, rather than just titans.
Tarlak…nuff said
20 yada yada
If your priority is titans (and maybe events if you are super competitive and need a hail mary for a top score) I don’t see how you don’t do Wu. That’s at least my view as someone with those priorities.
Hey everone,
With the new emblems that we have, I have now found myself in a conundrum… Wu or Wilbur.
I use both a lot. Not too worried about them in defence as I usually don’t use them there… Titans and raids are they’re main focus. If I had the tokens I’d do both… Which will happen eventually I’m sure… But who’s more worthy to start first?
Thanks in advance.
I went with Wilbur for the moment, i thought to splash some emblems on my 5 lagoon family S2 heroes. I am just taking a punt that the extra family bonus might come in useful.
Im going the Wilbur route myself.
That’s definitely worth the ponder, I’ve got gill ra and gato×2 from that family… Not used them much other than farming 8-7… Have not levelled those 3*… Yet. They are in line, but quite a few partial leveled that I’m bringing up first.
Kk… That’s 2 for Wilbur… Is spirit link the reasoning?