Who to Pull For? Jabber Now or Gefjon Later

I’m currently waffling back and forth on who I should pull for? I know with the RNG gatcha I may not get either of them, but if I try I’d rather maximize my pulls for one or the other.

My Dark 5*s are Sartana T18, Kunchen T19, G. Panther T7, Quintus & Victor T7. Jabber’s special is just soooo good against wings that he’d be an addition I want. However, being a monk, I don’t have emblems for him and being mid-platinum averaging between 2600 - 2700 trophies regularly, putting him on defense without any doesn’t make sense. My other monks are too valuable to strip their emblems (Drake & Wu).

My Red’s are Zim T19, Elena T7, C. Azlar /Azlar T7, Natalya & JF. Without Marj, I could really use Gefjon in the current “Green Tanks as far as the eye can see” meta. I would strip Athena of her’s and I could take him to T3 and have a small wait to T4 to make up for the 5% loss. However, I wouldn’t use him on a defense team since I just can’t give up Zim as she is the only cleanser I have so he would be offense only (I run rainbow defense because it seems to perform better). Also, I could save up some more gems for few more extra pulls when he comes around.

I’m C2P so while I spend, I don’t go overboard. I’m leaning toward saving for Gefjon since my Dark line up is better than my Red, but I just really can’t make up my mind 100%.

What do you all think? Thanks for the input.


My two cents.

Gefjon is very very good.

Jabber is better.

I’d always pull for the best hero.

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My alliance mates have the same dilemma, especially as a couple have already pulled Jabberwocky. And one is staying strong waiting patiently patiently for the chance at Gefjon.

Tough choice, although there are no guarantees you’ll get the heros you wish for. It can get VERY expensive :money_with_wings: chasing heros :thinking:. Good Luck!

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