Just about have enough rings to ascend my next 5 star red. Was set on Gefjon and definitely feel like she will be huge for the minion meta ( and just as a lights out sniper)
Pulled Santa and started thinking about him as Tank , flanked by Odin and Frigg. Though being if he fires before frigg, she hits all that much harder and renews the defense down. I can emblem Santa up full.
Gefjon, 100%. Only true fast red sniper in the game (Marj’s attack is much lower). Santa is slow. I love seeing slow tanks and there are just too many counters to his special now to make him a top level tank. And, finally, defense is overrated. Unless it’s for war don’t give rare mats to a hero for defense, there is little return on investment.
Another Gefjon vote. 100%. And I’m loving your current defense squad! Brutal! I just moved Garnet^20 onto my squad but at left flank. Contemplating a move to tank myself.
I’m still rocking Telly at tank for the time being. But thinking about making a move to Garnet or Jade. Jade would require I reset Drake though. Decisions…
I know. Dodging the tile attacks is just brutal. Would love Onyx or Cobalt to have three of them. I do have Shale (meh) and Sapphire, but a third legendary would be cool.
Gefjon, no question. BTW, you are the first person that I’ve seen use Alfrike in a wing on defense. Obviously, she is helped by the mana boost from Odin, but still seems a little risky. I have her at +19 and am finishing Odin now and will emblem him. How has that combo been working out for you?
Pretty well so far, typically stay around 2675/2700 cups, fluctuations up to 2800 back down to 2600. Win rate has been pretty steady around 75/80 percent.
Been meaning to put her in as flank and test it out again as I don’t think I’ve moved her since I finished embleming everyone. I was thinking swapping her for C Sartana or seshat but there is an emblem conflict with both since I use alfrike on almost every offensive raid and alasie got the bulk of my ranger emblems
Good choice on Gefjon. I’ve had Santa at 3-70 for 1 year now (pulled him in last year’s Christmas Event) and just ascended Gefjon over Santa. I have Gefjon at +18 now and favored defense/health on emblem nodes for survivability.
Swords all the way. You don’t go defensive routes on heroes that are not tanks. Emblems are meant to further emphasize a hero’s strengths, not to supplement their weaknesses.
I don’t think it is as clear-cut as that.
In Gefjon’s case it is, I think for every fast sniper you probably want to enhance the killing chance of the sniper. However for a hero such as Mist, Proteus or Hansel whose “strength” is their high attack and who are damage dealers but who I would consider more of a tactical attacker I would say that unless you purely want them in a mono stack for their high attack value (like I used to do with Proteus) you would want to enhance their defense so that they survive long enough to be able to cast their special. Once I moved Proteus to a 3-2 setup he would die before using his special as often as not. I re-did his emblem path from attack to defense and now he can survive to cast maybe 80-90% of the time.
With heroes like Malosi or Zocc who are semi-snipers with a very important secondary effect you can go either way, depending on how you want to use them and how you are finding their survivability
With Lady Loki I have taken a similar approach, because whilst her up-front damage can be decent if loaded on debuffs, her main purpose is to cleanse and to debuff the enemy. The enemy is far more likely to die from reflected DOTs than due to greater up-front damage.
For healers or support you typically want to go defence or health, whichever makes more sense (typically I do defense first, for Noor I did health up so that her team minions are stronger). But if for example you find that you go mono and 3 tiles almost always almost kills the tank, then it may make sense to beef up your healer’s attack instead.
So broadly speaking I agree with you, but it is also dependent on your playstyle and objectives, the tyeps of teams you face and the challenges they present, and the specific hero in question, particularly when a lof of newer heroes don’t fall into a clearly-defined role
I literally agree with everything you said and would do exactly the same in all your examples…and your argument only further strengthens mine
My emblem logic is much more simple. I separate all heroes into three categories: sniper, non-snipers, aoe
Snipers and damage dealers are obvious. As a rule of thumb, I generally lump any hero with a special that does 400% or more into that category (the % can vary a little bit depending on stars i.e. Caedmon/Sonya is 335% but they are snipers). These are heroes that simply hit very hard. Some examples would be Lianna, Seshat, Gefjon, Alasie, Kingston, Magni.
Non-snipers are every other hero which include both tanks and support.
AOE heroes (i.e. Frigg, Odin, Vela) are a bit ambiguous and are up to player preference. For a hero like Vela, I would probably go swords over defense. For heroes like Frigg, I might choose more defense than swords since her debuff is much more valuable compared to just damage. Some might even consider a more balanced approach and try to raise all 3 stats.