C2P for about a year now and basically just trying to build a strong team so I can get ascension materials and build a stronger team. Here are the materials and 4*/5* heroes I have, what’s the best team I can make in the short term?
Limit Break Materials
2 Dark III
7 Dark II
28 Dark I
1 Holy III
18 Holy II
38 Holy I
4 Fire III
12 Fire II
4 Fire I
2 Nature III
2 Nature II
17 Nature I
0 Ice III
4 Ice II
20 Ice I
Ascension Materials
4 Damascus Blade
3 Tome of Tactics
2 Farsight Telescope
4 Warm Cape
3 Mysterious Tonic
3 Sturdy Shield
2 Mystic Rings
5 Hidden Blade
5 Poison Darts
6 Orb of Magic
7 Royal Tabard
4 Trap Tools
5 Compass
3 Fine Gloves
I would say you can build a rather strong team for all kinds of situations with:
Those I would all LB+20 if possible
Other heroes that will also be widely usable are Li Xiu, Grimm, Kiril, Sonya, Boril, Caedmon, Franz, Gormek So they also deserve all the love you can give them.
Gormek is the one I would use instead of Cyprian when facing passive defenses. Later on Seshat might be an option, too.
Besides those I would focus on the 3 star roster to make sure you place well in tournaments and events.
The only 5s that I can say are worth ascending without reservation would be Seshat, Iku turso and Ilmarinen. But no hurry there, they are too slow to upgrade and you don´t have the necessary mats for the frog dude who is really the one I would do first.
Thanks Gargon. So once I get the materials I should ascend Iku Turso instead of Kadilen?
I noticed you didn’t mention Joon. I’m getting close to having the materials for him and he’s rated pretty highly by others. Thoughts on Joon? Same for Kiril - I see him on lets of defenses.
I have a bunch of 3 stars of course but I haven’t been doing tournaments or events that are limited to 3 star heroes. I don’t have a ton of time to play, but maybe some of what I do have should go toward this?
So, I can ascend either SeshatC or Sabina to max right now. But I can limit break Sabina or Cyprian - so best to just take Sabina to the max? I hadn’t thought of using two healers on the same team.
Do not ascend 5* until you have all requiered ascension mats.
Build a strong 3* and 4* event team to win mats and tokens.
In 3* blue mono works very well, with Ulmer,
Karil and Gunnar, all costumed and easy to obtain from costume chamber. Best blue 3* healers are Helo from S4 and Frosty from Santas challenge, with a bit of luck you get one soon.
Often I play event stages without healers, you can fill with dupe Ulmers and Karils ( costumed of course) or Chick jr. from Springvale. The blue 3* from Kalevala is very good too.
You should max Franz asap, pretty good for VF content and titans.
Boomer you can feed away, not worth the roster slot.
Joon, is OK, out of all the S1 heroes he is one of the better ones. But all S1 5star heroes have the same problem, their stats (and skills) are horrible and worse than nowadays 4 star heroes, which means you spend the resources of a 5 star hero, but only get the quality of a 4star hero. You really need a costume (or better 2) to make these heroes worth the materials.
For people that spend no money on this game at all, it´s a bit different, because in the long run they will have more mats than heroes anyway and therefore they can simply ascend all 5star heroes they get, no matter if they are good or bad. But still better to do all the 3 and 4 star heroes before starting on those slow to upgrade 5 stars.
Kiril is great! Basically all the 4 star S1 healers are great! They will stay useful far longer than all the 4 star hitters. When emblemed and LB they can come along and fight in 5 star environments without trouble. Hitters have much bigger problems with that transition. So definitely upgrade Kiril.
That attack team I mentioned earlier is just an example that I would like to play, but you want to have more than 1 team, preferably you want to have a 3-stack in every color, so you can always attack with 3 strong heroes against the defense tank color. So the above purple 3stack is best against a yellow tank (and the red 2-stack makes it even better if a flank is green). Against a red tank you could then switch to Boril, Kiril and Sonya (if you want the dispel sniper) or Grimm, if you want more damage and DefDown, instead of your 3 purples while keeping the gameplay rather similar.
Absolutely play 3 star content! You can get the resources you need for upgrading 4 and 5 star heroes from that! And it is much easier to place higher here than anywhere else, because the heroes are so much easier to get (even as FTP)
Definitely CSabina first! she is amazing! She is essential early on when facing things like counterattack and taunt. Nobody is better at taking such defenses apart than she is. As she can both dispel after the fact as well as prevent them from ever happening. She was my first purple 4 star LB And she really benfits from it, because her survivability is unfortunately not very good.
When playing counterattack you definitely want 2 healers, because you rely on getting hit in order to kill, when facing defenses with 4 or 5 hitters you can even switch to 3 healers!
Otherwise it´s always a good idea to LB you defense team. I guess that´s a whole different story though.
Ok, I should stop levelling 5* heroes until I have the materials to fully ascend the hero. Focus on leveling 3* and 4* instead. Try to max out 3 heroes in each color. Got it.
I should start playing 3* and 4* events to get summon tokens and ascension materials. Got it. I have Helo, Karil, Ulmer and a bunch of other 3* heroes btw.
Boomer is garbage, eat him. Ok.
Franz is worth maxing out for titans and something else? gir CF?
All 4* S1 healers are worth LBing, so Kiril and CSabina will get that in short order. Counterattack + 2 healers is a good combo. Maybe 3 healers. Learning a lot here, I wasn’t using counterattack that way. Thanks a ton guys. So-