Let’s say you have some limited ascension items but a bunch of 5* at 3-70. Who would you ascend first out of:
Raffaele, Jabberwock, Clarissa, Jean-Francois, Zimithka, Bera, Lady Loki, Alfrike, Finley, Alice.
Kunchen, Hel, Seshat, Myztero, Ares, Azlar, Gravemaker, Marjana, Vivica, Neith, Rana, Poseiden, Guinevere, Magni, Fenrir, Ariel, Alasie, Frida, Alberich, Yunan, Evelyn, Kingston, Lianna are all 4-80
Im going to go a slightly different path - do you struggle a bit with GTV? If so, Lady Loki is one of the best GTV counters around, and is a lot of fun to play. Zimkitha as a fast red cleanser would go amazingly well with Lady Loki.
If GTV is not your primary concern then I would say Finley followed by Jabber. Bera and Alfrike look like a lot of fun to use as well