A question like the title of the topic - which character should I limit break. All hero have +18 talents.
Waiting for someone better is also an option.
Viscaro is the definitive choice in the options you have. He’s fantastic, and underrated.
I’m in the same boat. Got the Aethers ready, but Masquerade is in 2 weeks time. Hoping to summon 2nd Costume Quintus, if that happens, sorry Viscaro. If no Quintus, Vissy gets the prize
Well, its a win-win situation for me.
Either Quintus is available and he gets LB’d, or Viscaro gets the upgrade. I have 9 5* purple aethers, so if Quintus is a no show, it’ll give me enough time to get 1 more. Bonus: I wont even bother with summons, I’ll continue to squirrell my nuts away for the next Masquerade event. Happy to play the waiting game
I have C-Quintis and Viscaro, C-Killhare and Lepiota - I got lucky with purple but no other colour lol)
I LB’d Hannah and almost have her maxed out. Just got my second set of tabards - who do I give them to? I’m short on emblems for everyone (spent a ton on the game since I started in Dec 21).
Who do you recommend I use my tabards on? I’d like to poll but I just joined and I’m limited on my usage right now.
I would lb Viscaro too (actually i did mine) for me he is great i found a lot of possibly to use him and I’m mad at myself that i used my second Viscaro in Academy -.-