So, I just got my 6th scope and now am contemplating who I should use these scopes on. I am looking to add depth to my roster of Ice heroes. My options for ascension are:
Currently, I have the following maxed:
Skadi (7)
Lepus (20)
Vela (18)
Loki (14)
Isarnia (7)
Magni (4)
I know I am missing an ice healer which will lead to greater flexibility on my other teams. Just not sure if I am sold on using these scopes on Raff or if I should wait for a better Ice hero.
I agree with posts above: you need a healer and summoner is useful too. I would be inclined to say Raff, especially since his family bonus goes well with him. But I prefer to have healers and for you it may be different, so it depends whether you prefer summoner (Frosth) or Healer (Raff). Also, Frosth will be more useful if you have already other summoners, even of other colors (Freya, Bera …).
My top 3 would be Raffaele, Frosth, then Perseus.
Having a healer would give the most diversity since you don’t have one yet, Frosth is a great option especially for Bloody Battle. Perseus is great for inhibiting heals which is more niche but useful if you are up against a Rush Attack that is riddled with healers.