5* Ice - Who is worth the telescopes

So, currently have Vela, Lepus, Isarnia & Magni all at 4/80 and am debating who should join this group. My options are:

  • Raffaele
  • Skadi
  • Richard


In my opinion, the decision is between Raffaele and Skadi. Both are doing things your other 5* blues don’t.
So it depends if you want a strong counter to opposing minions (Skadi) or a healer (Raffaele). Between the two, I would lean towards Skadi due to the popularity of minions lately.


Richard is a good tank

Raffy is a solid healer

Skadi is a game changer that pair perfectly with kiril or costume Kiril.

Do Skadi.


Another vote for Skadi!


Skadi is the only one who I would give scopes out of these options

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Skadi is the play here…with all the minions out there he can wreck teams.

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Thanks all for the feedback. Clearly, Skadi is the only option for the scopes. Time to boost production in the training camps.