Feels a lot like this, but…
Imma definitively say: Seshat
- Replicating minions (nothing in the game like it; makes her a powerhouse to try and take out, puts some pressure on the opponent, and can lead to a lot of situations where she’s the last one standing and wins)
- Resist to mana cuts (great counter for today’s tanks like Bera and Freya, and for yesterday’s tanks like Guin, Neith and LotL)
- Fast speed vs pseudo-fast speed (cuz yeah, that does matter; why you don’t see many with leveled troops using Eiora vs Kingston, Gregorion vs C. Lianna, King Arthur vs Alice, and same here with C. Domitia vs Seshat - cuz the former is typically stuck at where the latter begins, while the latter can shave off enough for a seven tile charge)