White rabbit or neith need help

I got a blow of lucky few days ago.
Pull white rabbit in a x10 pull, and neith from atlantis, but the problem is that i have only 6 poison darts, and beed choise.
My cuestion is for players that have maxed neith or white rabbit, or maybe bot.

White Rabbit awesome in all phases of the game. The attack down is amazing. A top tier hero without question.

Dont have either. But if i had both, the rabbit would get the darts

*defense down is amazing

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Lol thanks Rigs 20 char

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Rabbit…unless I had Viv with costume, then I would go Neith.

But neith is awesome? Average mana, low damage, -35% precision would be fine but i think WR is more usefull

Im in the middle with Neith as I don’t think she is great or awful. To me, she is the definition or “middle of the road”. She is as vanilla as it gets. For newer players, she would be awesome. For higher end players…she is almost pointless.

I have both, but maxed Rabbit. If I had Viv’s costume, I would have maxed Neith because Rabbit and Viv would be redundant (and I give a very slight edge to costumed Viv over Rabbit).