Which yellow to ascend (4* + Joon)?

Finally I got the orbs to ascend I yellow. (It was the only colour that I didn’t had a leveled to the final tier hero). I have to choose between Chao (3.60), Li Xiu (3.60), Jackal (3.30) or work on Joon, currently sitting at 2.35 and Gullinbursti (2.31).

My other notable heroes are:

Dark: Rigard (4.20), Tiburtus (4.12), Kage (2.60)
Blue: Sonya (4.37), Kirl (4.20), Grimm (3.60 - I have the mats to ascend him)
Green: Kashhrek (4.30), Caedmon (3.60), Hansel (3.1)
Red: Boldtusk (4.20), Scarlett (4.13), Kelile (3.40)

Is Joon worth it at 3.70 (It will be a long time to find the 4* mats), or ascend one of the other yellows, or finally level and asend Gullibursti and use him as a tank?

Both Li xiu and Chao seem to me a little “meh”. I’ m tying to decide the hero with all around usefulness.

If you don’t have the mats to max Joon to 4/80, in my honest opinion I would focus on Gullibursti.
Whichever hero you choose god luck

I was thinking of the slow boar, too. But I am more inclined to get Jackal to be ascended and maxed as he badly needs that in order for him to survive longer while dealing huge tile damage. Besides, even veteran players use him until this day since he has no 5 star holy counterpart doing what he does best: dealing elemental defense debuff to a single target at very fast mana. He is a good investment to have and you will still probably use him until you quit the game.

As for Gullin, slow healers or health booster is not ideal early on since your roster of heroes easily dies this early in the game. You need at least an average mana healer easily obtained.

And one last thing, please don’t abandon the plans of leveling heroes until you get them to max, even at least to the current tier they are in. I noticed that you have a lot of unfinished business in maxing heroes, i.e. Rigard, Tiburtus, Sonya, Kiril, BT, Scarlett, etc. Max one hero at a time per color before you start shifting your attention to another hero.


I am not abandoning them but I wanted all of my 4* at lest 3.60 and then decide. Sometimes I had a lot of superplus food and I ascend a 2nd one, in order to spend the food. I got some heroes very early, like Kashhrek, and for a while he was my only 4* green. So I leveled him. But I was not impressed (although the forum loves him) and I can’t realy use him in other parts of the game. So I am still trying to figure out the best possible combination of a rainbow team but I’ am still undecided ! (hense the not fully level heroes. It also hepls during the war or when stacking is needed).

Yes, you did. The following are of the same color and tier and yet at least 2 are not maxed.

You need to have each of them maxed at 4/70 or 3/60 in order for you to maximize their full potential and the possibility of embleming them.

I will suggest to do G.Jackal… Also observed several 4* on their final ascension but not maxed…try to finish them up, taking one in each element at a time.

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I am trying to level both at the same time. For example 10 feeders one time to rigard, the next 10 to Tiburtus, in order to have a better bench. Mayby what I am doing is wrong. In that case, could you please suggest me the ones I should focus on? I like them pretty much all, even Scarlett (she dies way too often).
Thanks in advance for your replies!

I often work on multiples of the same color, mostly due to being completely out of projects in a color. I keep my top 5 to level in a team, and when there is one color missing, I put a second in there, usually one that is working on a costume, or got sidelined for a higher priority.

How are your scores on Purple titans? Guardian Jackal will help there immensely, and they are a solid source of ascension materials.

He should go to 3.60 pretty much ASAP, unless you are constantly getting A scores on purple titans.

Most of the time it’s A and sometimes B if the other alliance members do better. I run mono yellow with kong (underleveled) and Jackal and trigger both of them in the begining via potions.

Hmm. I’ve got two thoughts on that.

  1. You don’t want to set Wu Kong off at the start. He requires a bit of timing.

  2. I’d recommend bringing somebody who can either strengthen you, or give general defense down. I’ve tried mono, but I’ve found 4-1 to work better. You can use Bear Banners for strengthening and Harpoons for defense down, but it gets expensive. I do bring both, but the Harpoons are there just in case things go awry.

@Ultra - agreed. I still really like the slow boar, but you are right, there is probably longer use from G. jackal.

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Ok then. I think Jackal will be my first yellow. What about the others? Do you have any suggestions? I was thinking, if focusing on rainbow team, something like:

  1. Sonya-Boldtusk-Kashhrek-Tiburtus-Jackal or

  2. Jackal-Tiburtus-Kiril-Scarlett(?)-Hansel.

+1 for Jackal. He is a must for purple titans. He’s not exactly a rockstar on defense but you can tuck him in the corner once he’s done until you get around to another holy hero.

As far as which of these to prioritize, here’s my $0.02

Dark: Tiburtus
Rigard is great and universally loved, but defense down is important for titans (and in general) and since Tibs is already ascended (and you still have Kiril and Sonya to max before you work on Grimm) I’d finish Tibby first. Then move onto Rigard.

Blue: Sonya
Kiril is also awesome, but Sonya is your only dispeller on the 4th ascension. You’ve probably already realized how handy she is in raids and in wars. After her, finish Kiril, then move onto Grimm.

Green: Kashhrek
He’s already ascended, best to finish him off. Then move onto Hansel. With Sonya maxed Caedmon is less of a priority but still deserving of shields once Kashhrek and Hansel are maxed.

Red: Boldtusk
Especially if you’re focusing on Tibs and Sonya over Rigard and Kiril, you need another healer and BT is great. Then finish Scarlett once he’s done. Kelile doesn’t get as much love as other reds, so it’s up to you whether you like her enough to give her hidden blades once the other two are done.

With these heroes, I’d probably set a defense team of Sonya/BT/Kash/Tibs/Jackal.

aer3 Thank you for your suggestions. I regret leveling Kashhrek first. Decent stats for a tank but ultimately a bit useless outside defence. (Unless I don’t know how to proper use him). And in defence there are a lot countermesures against him. Thats why I hesitate to fully level him. In fact, I see him very rarely to the opponent teams, and most of the time I find no problem beating him, even with my limited roster.
But he was my only green 4* for a long time (along with gobler - already fead him) and I finally made the decision to ascend him. Not long after, came Caedmon.

Lol! That’s usually how it goes. You’re right that he’s very much a defense hero. If you’re lucky enough to get his costume he becomes much more relevant, but he can still be a decent tank even without it, granted there is a ceiling to his usefulness.

So, level him, or stop before he gets too demanding for resourses? This is the question (if only he could heal the whole team he could have been more usefull)

I’d probably still finish Kash, as unexciting as that may seem. He’s almost there and he’ll add more to your roster fully leveled than at 4.30. He can be your raid and war tank while you work on the rest of your roster. But ultimately they’re your heroes and you have to play with them every day. If he’s doing alright for you in wars and you just hate the idea of working on him right now, by all means do what makes the game fun and work on Hansel.

If you end up maxing Hansel first, I’d try something like Sonya/Tibs/BT/Hansel/Jackal for defense.

Ok, I’ll follow your advice. Because I don’t think I will work on my 5* anytime soon (there are no mats for any of them), I want to finish all my 4* first (also a lot of work to do) and in the meantime make the best of them.

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