Hello everyone! I need some help & advice regarding ascending some heroes. My main question is, do I work on finishing a rainbow colors of 4* ( thinking of events) or do I continue working on 5* which I do not have all ascension items yet? If so which ones should be a priority? The 1st. picture is my main everyday heroes.
I do not have a maxed up holly 4* at this time, but do have 5* Delilah maxed up. G. Jackal is ready to reach the final ascension level with 8 skills already maxed up. On the other hand, Wu Kong is still on the 1st. ascension level 1 skill. My question is should I wait to upgrade Wu Kong or should I consider now to upgrade Jackal?
If he is near to be maxed you could do G. Jackal first or you can even do both a the same time:
keep yellows 1* heroes for Wu Kong and yellows 2* for G. Jackal.
Being limited on ascension items, should I use it on G. Jackal (final ascension) or use those orbs on leveling Joon to level 3 ascension which he already has maxed up special skills. My question is, a 5* at 3/8 is better than a 4* at 4/8?