Hello everyone,
keeping in mind that from all yellow cards I already have 2x maxed: Joon and Vivica, which third one should get the arrows?
second Joon, Musashi, Leonidas, Onatel, Justice
I’m tempted to say Joon2, but given where they are on your development- Onatel.
It must be Onatel … 100%
Onatel, if this is for wars I think variety is more useful before considering duplicates. It’ll give you more options to deal with more types of teams.
Id say Onatel.
Who would you ascend?
- Onatel
- The Blind Seer
0 voters
I agree with the variety statement.
Thanks Guys. I`m a bit suprised, Ive been actually aiming for Musashi here…
I have both Musashi and Onatel, and I use Onatel more in PvP. Mana control is so valuable if a match runs long; being able to clear trash off the board into opposing heroes is so helpful. Normally if the board gets crappy under one flank, you’re going to end up powering up the opposing flank or relying solely on specials to kill them. With Onatel, you can clear the trashnon that side while they’re at 75% and 100% , giving them little or no mana while powering up Onatel.
Musashi’s self-heal occasionally does great things—particularly against titans—and his attacks (both stat and special) certainly do a lot more damage. But I still prefer Onatel if I’m facing foes with scary, slow specials.
My pick rhymes with Onatel.