Hi, I have enough AM (even rings) to ascend one of my red heroes. Those are competing for ascension: Khagan, Elena (both 2/60), Colen, Wilbur, Sumitomo (all 3/60)
Which of these would you ascend?
Other my (ascended enough to be usable) heroes are Grimm, Caedmon, Scarlett, Wu, Rigard, Richard, Tiburtus, Li Xiu, Horghall, BT, Sonya, Hu Tao, Hel, Triton, Boril, LJ, Ameonna, Seshat, Domitia, Sabina, Cyprian and Kash, however, none of my 5* heroes is after the last ascension except for Horghall.
I am interested mainly in AW and both types of raids (and all types of “special” events). I am at level 44.
Wilbur first. You’ll use him even with your 5s. Then its a coin toss. I had Elena and khagan at same time I chose khagan to give him rings to max but got mitsuko that morning so rings waited and she got them first. Good luck. Wilbur is the only s2 I need from the 4s.