Which path should Evelyn take?

So here is Evelyn’s current stats:

I’m having trouble deciding whether I should increase defense or attack at this point. Upping her defense would make her ATT and DEF very balanced, but upping her ATT may be more desirable since she hits 3.

What would you do.

My eve is class 4 too using mana troops and she’s pretty solid on defense, takes a few hits.

I’m leaning towards going attack but I don’t think you can go wrong either way.

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Thanks for sharing your input. Her base stats are such a nice ratio it’s hard to make decisions for her.

Lmao, such a first world problem :sweat_smile:

I plan to got 100% attack. Benefits her special and tile damage after her special lowers green defense. The link makes her more durable.

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You’re right, now that I think about it her 24% heal does save her a - - quite a bit already, and as we go down the grid, her obligate higher health will improve it more.

I’ll definitely focus on attack. Thanks!