Which levelled 3 / 4* hero will soon be food !?

Last 12 months have seen many new hero introductions to the game causing older, not going to be used heroes become food.

  • Fed away levelled Berden, Karil…. As new ones took their place.

Season-5 heroes will make more irrelevant… & I found these landing on the food table soon…

What do you think !?

  • Do you have a list !?

Namahage might be worth keeping. I fed all of those so many times I can’t even remember the number

Mireweave has a special place in lack of usefulness - but I’m always loathed to lose any 3-4*s in case of future buffs.

I have fed off some dupe maxed 3* I no longer use (eg Melian) but I have kept one of all of them.

I must admit I need to feed away some of my 3* heroes that I hardly ever use. And that’s before I even look at my 4* roster.
But not sure who to feed away. Any suggestions…

I would think dupe Jing, Maeve, Kvasir, and Bertulf would be the first to go. I know some people keep 2 Kvasirs for certain tournaments, but i’m not sure it’s really worth keeping two if you need the space. i understand hesitating to get rid of any hero that’s hard to get, though, i have several S3 3* dupes that may have to hit the chopping block very very soon since S5 is here.

i think cUlmer is great for challenge events and rush tournaments, btw, i wouldn’t feed him away, but he’s also easy enough to get again also.

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I personally keep at least one of each hero. but if you really need to trim some fat…

Gill-Ra can probably be fed, now that you have Treevil and C-Tyrum.

As you have Helo AND Frosty, can probably drop Lemur. redundant healer, though the mana boost is nice (maybe decide which secondary effect/s are most important for you).

maybe one of Ei-Dunn and Bauchan can go, though I like both.

I would drop Vodnik and perhaps one Gato. the last Gato can be your main Blue 3* sniper.

Graymane can also go.

perhaps Guardian Bat too.

I support keeping C-Ulmer (comboes well with C-Gunnar for increasing damage in events!)

I also don’t think you need to Kvasir.

but a dupe Bertulf could be useful for Mythic Titans.

That’s a start… there are for sure more that could be cut!


Realised that levelled 3 / 4* as food give LOTs of XP…
keeping the ones I plan to feed away for a 5* white rabbit I am working on…

  • to be used after 4/30…
  • will help save on the trainers heroes in HA & Tomes for later levelling use !