need some help to make a decision.
I have a pretty diverse 4* roster - most of trainable heroes maxed, except 2 green ones - Little John and Skittles.
I have only 1 maxed 5* - Santa, with Onatel and Frida coming up. I guess the goal is to make my first diverse 5* rainbow team for raids and world map. I have a green tank for wars - Kashrek, or a 5* tank in general - Santa, so that rules out Groot, I guess? Atomos seems to be pretty bad in general, which leaves Kadinlen. But I see and hear not so good things about her. Would maxing her be a very bad decision?
I am not a big spender, so waiting for a good 5* green summon is out of the question, and by the time I get Lianna from the TC, I will have another set of ascension mats.
After Kadilen’s buff she is best option there(without buff too)
Imo Kadilien is not a horrible flank next to Santa.
And with the rng Gods you could prolly max out one of the green 5 stars before you get Lianna.
With Santa as tank or on team with him I would not use another slow hero, hence Kadilien for green.
I would say
Kadilien - Frida - Onatel - Santa - fast dark hero
Kadilen is not bad, just isn’t a game changer. Fast mana and special d buff is surprisingly effective. She’s just not as great as Lianna or some of the event greens. Definitely better as a defense hero, but that’s what you’re looking. My Kad is almost maxed and I don’t regret it. She’s a good choice, especially if mats aren’t an issue.
Kadilen it is then! thanks guys for confirming she is not that bad after all!