Which 5* Green should get the mats?

I have been able to gather tonics, but I don’t know who should get them. My options are:

  • Elkanen

  • Kadilen

  • Horghall

I’m mostly interested in Alliance Wars and Offense

PS: I already have a maxed Lianna

Kadilen is probably best choice, I have Horghall at 1^01 and he will stay they forever. Elkanen isn’t dangerou.
Kadilen can hurt you strong if you can’t kill her fast.

I want to disagree. Kadilen has never scared me in any battle. Elkanen on the other hand can be trouble. Horghall is hit or miss for me, as he is a slow dude, so if he hits, it hurts, but it’s a big if

On defence I quite like Elk, but if you are talking offense (which you are) Then I suspect that Kadilen isn’t awful, but I am speaking from instinct rather than direct experience. Horghal would be the next contender and Elk last, for me.

None of the worth to be maxed. Bring them max to 3.70 only. Save ur tonics for another heroes except those 3 imo

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If you have Kunchen or Santa Claus: Kadilen.

none of the above.

I have Lianna maxed, Hoghall and Kadlien sitting there and 10 tonics.

Waiting for a nice green. Margaret would do it although I am not a huge fan of hers.

Are you f2p, c2p, p2p? It will make a difference in your decision. I can only answer from a f2p point of view.

I have lianna max and had tonics for another green, I did have horghall sitting around 1/1 and always go by the f2p rule of ascend what you get…except in horghalls case where tbh he is the worst 5* with low attack and a slow debuff that isn’t game changing. Luckily I had plenty to work on when Kad arrived in tc20 and I maxed her after v20 buff. She doesn’t sit on raid defense as lianna will do that but in my raid offense 3 stack she replaced little john nicely. I generally have her buff up b4 opponent snipers shoot and it gives me the time to play the board as needed. I am happy with her, nothing fancy but does the job I needed for diamond arena and wars.

Best of luck whoever you choose


Kadilen would increase their survivability while also dealing High AoE damage on targets with low defense.

One of the best ways to improve one’s hero rooster is to seek good team’s combinations.


Kadilen hands down.i find her solid even before the buff.sure there are better greens but she is not bad for sure