Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well!
I have my Isarnia at 4x80 and want to use emblems on her.
Since she is an attacker hero, and she has a decent attack stat, at first I wanted to choose the Attack>Defence>Health emblem path to make her attacking skills even better than now. This can make her a beast (but a squishy beast who kills fast but get killed fast too)
On the other hand, she provides the enemy defense down by 44% (which is great) and helps my other heroes (and herself) to kill the enemies easier. Therefore, I need her to stay alive longer but her original defense and health stats are low. Looking from this angle makes me think about the Defense>Health>Attack emblem path.
What is your suggestion? Which emblem path is better to choose for her? Has anyone the experience of embleming her? If so, which path did you choose? and how was the result?
Just as supporting information I provide her non-emblemed stats and special skill below:
Stats: Attk: 797/ Def: 655/ Hlth: 1200
Special skill:
- Deals 235% damage to all enemies
- All enemies get -44% defense for 6 turns
Mana Speed: Slow
Thank you in advance for your time.