Start holding your iron from now on so you’ll have enough iron available for Step 2 on Monday. (It costs 2.108.000 iron to upgrade your SH to level 21. Make sure you have enough iron storage capacity!!)
Upgrade your stronghold to level 21 . It’ll take 8d 1h.
Hold your iron and convert your food storage to Advanced food storage . (It costs 2.771.000 food to research the Giant Harpoon, which is more than the current max food storage capacity. So make sure your food storage capacity is sufficient and keep enough food for the research later on. Upgrade to advanced food storage costs 1.501.000 iron.)
Hold your iron so you have enough to convert a forge to Hunter’s Lodge as soon as your stored iron hits 2.210.000. (Your forge needs to be level 5 to be able to convert it. It costs 2.210.000 iron to build Hunter’s Lodge.)
Research the battle item Giant Harpoon. (It costs 2.771.000 food to research the Giant Harpoon so make sure your food capacity is sufficient.)
Start crafting and hoarding Giant Harpoons
After that, I’ll convert my house first for the reasons @zephyr1 mentioned.