Hi guys,
I am not sure if I should wait for a better blue 5* or just go on with what i have.
My choices:
wait for something better
What would u do? I dont want to spend any more money the game.
Thx for your help =)
Hi guys,
I am not sure if I should wait for a better blue 5* or just go on with what i have.
My choices:
wait for something better
What would u do? I dont want to spend any more money the game.
Thx for your help =)
Alexadrine would be a preferred choice
I feel the same Alexandrines solid if you have no other blue healer
Thx for your replies.
I will max Sonya and afterwards i will probably put my scopes into Alexandrine.
I was thinking about to limit break cKiril to have a strong blue hero.
Would this be an alternative to ascend Alexandrine?
I’ve limit-broken C.Kiril and emblemed to +19. It’s a solid healer to have, even if you raise Alexandrine! So far my experience is positive and ascending a 4* is much cheaper than ascending a 5*.
Consider I already have Ariel+20 plus Alexandrine, Raffaele, Esme, and Passpartout waiting for scopes (I guess some of them will stay there forever )
I don’t know your whole roster, but Kiril is a good one to limit break, generally I think any good 4 star is a strong candidate for limit break, cost isn’t terribly high and makes them pretty much as solid as unemblemed 5 stars, happy gaming
Ahh i see. So i will limit break ckiril for sure and will have a look, what the next step will be.
I juat dont want to use my scopes for a hero thats not worth it but who kniws if i ever get a worthy blue 5*.
Thx for your help and have a nice christmas time
I’ll suggest to LB C_Kiril!
By this you’ll have a solid blue healer and avoid misusing your ascension mats for Alexandrine!
I personally was facing a similar issue, but chose to ascent Alexandrine,
only to regret it soon enough when I won Milena by a 3pull summon.
(now I have to wait for months till I have again 6 telescopes)
Thx for helping me out and i hope for pulling a nice blue 5* and will save my scopes
My Alexandrine is talent 8, strength 834 (def 805, lp 1459). my C-Kiril with talent 20 and lb has exactly the same strength 834 (def 779. lp 1471) - I’m using both, but C-Kiril by far more often. the idea for Alexandrine was, to use her regularly on titans, but then many times I prefer five other heroes
I will limit break CKiril. My problems with scopes got solved. I was really lucky and pulled cKrampus
This was the hero i really wanted and now i have him
I am really happy and the scopes will go to him for sure
Nice solution! I would LB Kiril and then load up Krampus. Man I wanted that costume.
To be honest i cant wait and go first krampus + costume and afterwards for LB ckiril
Finishing Kiril on a limit break will not take long. A 5* plus costume from scratch can take quite a while.
Thats true but i am so happy with krampus =)
Ultimately, that’s the name of the game. A game. Do what makes you happy!