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It seems that I will finally have enough mats for 1 hero to max. Which one? Richard (with costume) vs Misandra vs Snow White.
I have Ariel as blue tank at war (right now we’re running blue). Fenrir, Isarnia and Thorne are my other maxed blue 5*. I will also mention that I don’t care about raid defense, only war defense, raid offense, events and tournaments. None of the heroes will be favorite to emblem (Telluria and Clarissa get Paladin, Kingston, Poseidon, Tyr and Fenrir fighter and Ariel and C Rigard and Mist Cleric).
I see Richard as a substitute blue tank for some wars. Snow White as a pure offensive hero, niched. Misandra as a good offensive hero as she is fast and generates mana for the team.
Since you have Richard and his costume, and that your alliance use blue heroes for tanking, then the answer is plain Richard with maxed costume bonus, making him a lot tougher and hits a bit stronger and a bit faster. Your unused paladin emblems would suit him well. Ariel doesn’t have the defensive stats to serve as a better tank than Richard.
Richard is a better tank than Ariel IMO since he’s got heavy power with his skill (specially with costume bonus), very high defense stat, and a helpful debuff.
But Misandra is the much better hero, even considering Richard’s costume. So personally I’d pick Misandra if I was in your shoes.
There are some considerations in your request…war defense sporting blue tanks…I will choose C.Richard…
Now, when you factor in offense…then Misandra,…the priority lies in either war first or offense in general.
If ur alliance is war oriented, probly go richard i guess
Then misandra
I don’t think I’d ever level snow white…too slow
Personally I’d probly go misandra and just tank with her since long term she’ll be the most usable even if u guys switch tank colors, she’s not as good a tank as costume richard buut if you’re in a growing alliance, it’s better to think longterm and versatility than max a hero you know will be a temporary niche unless u dont have other options
Misandra in a blue stack can turn multiple heroes from average to fast when they are equipped with a low level Mana troop. Fire Misandra first to give your average speed blue heroes the extra mana to fire the same turn.
Snow White is fun, if you have a decent puzzle. Together with Kiril, Ariel and Triton she should do decent damage whenever it fires because of the buffs.
Misandra can be a great help when you need the extra mana. She and Fenrir work good together, he finishes an opponent, recharges, Misandra fires after and recharges him more, with a 3 blues I have Fenrir firing again.