Hey everyone, as the title says I’m looking for some ascension help with my 4*s.
I have focused on getting multiple 4s to 3.60 over maxing due to, 1) my indecisiveness 2) having enough heroes to be viable in AW and 3) not having enough mats
I finally got my 4th hidden blade and another set of gloves so I decided it was time to pull the trigger. If I don’t max some of these soon I’m not going to be able to progress.
I only have enough gloves and compasses to max 4 total, 1 of any color (technically enough for 2 greens and 2 yellows, but it seems like it would be better to do different colors first.)
Here’s what I’ve got:
Reds: Boldtusk, Wilbur, Sumitomo
Blue: Grimm, Kiril, Triton
Yellow: Wu, G Jackal, Li Xiu
Green: Melendor, Caedmon, LJ, Gadeirus
Purple: Sabina, Merlin, Rigard, Proteus
Mostly I’m torn between Boldtusk and Wilbur, and Kiril and Grimm since their specials kind of overlap. I’m leaning towards Grimm + BT since I don’t have many hitters and their specials go well together.
Originally I was planning on a defense team of
Caedmon / Grimm / BT / Li Xiu / Sabina, but then I pulled Wilbur, Kiril, Triton, Rigard and Proteus and here I am with my dilemma.
I know Wu is a beast with titans, so I’m leaning towards maxing him first, then probably Jackal, even though I think Li Xiu is best for defense.
Titans are another reason I prefer Grimm over kiril, but everyone also says Wilbur is great with titans, especially for survivability which is becoming an issue, but I think this will be less of a problem once I get some of these jerks maxed. Wilbur + Grimm are a bit redundant but Wilbur + kiril are only slightly better and neither do direct damage, which is what brings me back to BT + Grimm… (do you have a headache yet?)
My defense team is much weaker than many in my alliance, but I don’t think defense is my main focus here tbh, as anything maxed at this point will be better than what I currently have. What I’m really looking for is versatility.
I’d really appreciate advice on which four 4*s to max first, bonus points for which ones I should prioritize next when I’m able, including any that I might not currently have in my roster if they show up.
TLDR: which 4 should I max first? Which should I max next? Best defense with what I’ve got, etc, blah, blah help me please