Which 4* hero should I pick for my number 5?

Hello and thanks to anyone who responds.
Please note that I’m C2P.

My dilemma is this, I have 3 rainbow 3* team’s all maxed and now I’m creating 5 rainbow 4* team’s, I have 4 x 4* rainbow team’s already, I just need to pick the right 5th 4* hero.

For my ice hero’s I have Sonya, 2 x Grim, Kiril and I can choose between Sapphire, Zila Lei or another Grim.

For my yellow I have Gullinbursti, Mist, Guardian Jackal, LI Xui next could be another GJ, Griffin, Wu Kong or Gretel.

Luckily my red, green and dark team’s where easy to choose.

So can anyone please let me know which ice and yellow hero I should start on next.

Thanks again for ant support.

Gullinbusrti and rigard are my favorite 4 star healers.
and grimm is a beast especially grimms custom i like using two grimms on with custom and one with out

I much prefer variety over duplicate.
Personally I would choose Zila Lei first.
After that it depends what you want most:
Increased Titan score = Wu Kong
For offence = Gretel
Whichever hero you choose good luck

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For me, blue choice could be sapphire. Faster than very fast if you need a small hit or can charge longer if you need a bigger hit. Not been too impressed with zila though I haven’t used her that much to be fair, but you have Def down covered already by Grimm so sapphire would be something different and could do well in a blue mono as well with the others

Yellow feel like wu is essential for titans at this level. Also not bad in offence. Gretel also solid choice for mana control

I would say that with Mist and Li Xiu you currently have the mana under some decent control. So despite Gretel is great, I’d say wait on her. Gullinbursti should be a consideration of course, but I think Wu Kong should be first. He can help in numerous situations - be it Challenge Event, Ninja Tower or just your alliance’s Titan.

Blue I say Sapphire, but of course a second Grimm should be next. You might need a replacement in the Ninja tower or just in war.

Edit: If you happen to have Nordri, then you might consider him for your blue monoteam most of the time. Just emblem him on the defense + HP path all the way to 20, give him a defense troop and he is good to go. And will win you a lot.

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I also vote Wu Kong and Sapphire, for reasons stated above. And variety > duplicates for now. The duplicates can wait until later on.

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Thanks again for the fantastic support, after contemplating all the great advice, I have decided to level Sapphire and Wu.


Exactly the heroes I’d have maxed as well :+1:

I highly recommend Griffin. Universally great in all aspects of the game.

For blue I’d go Zila. She is also universally useful in the game.

My B options would be Sapphire and Wu