Epic hero tokens (poll)

Hello! I have some eht’s lying around but I’m not sure when to use them. What do you think best portal is?

  • Morlovia
  • Halloween
  • Santa’s challenge
  • Lunar new year
  • Sprinvale
  • Kalevala
  • Sand empire
0 voters

Feel free to comment on your choice.

Good gaming everyone…


Morlovia = Halloween :wink:

Season of Love is missing… :thinking:

There is no such thing as the best overall event, because it all depends on what you need most at the moment…
…and new heroes keep appearing, so we can’t be sure whether in the theoretically weakest event there won’t suddenly appear a OP card that everyone will want to have :slight_smile:


Though probably lunar new year has the most interesting options in general. But I can’t see me being that patient. :see_no_evil:

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Thanks Dzibong! I forgot about season of love. I can’t edit it now. Maybe if someone who can it would be great to just change from halloween to s.o.l. :slightly_smiling_face:

Spend it on the newest one. The newer the hero, the better the stats. No point waiting for months for the next event. That being said Springvale and Sand Empire/Beach Party tends to have the worst heroes available for some reason, but you never know what the next list of heroes will be.

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I have a thing for xmas portal. My vote is always them. The worst legendary probably is Santa Claus or Peppermint and they are not that bad in the end of the day. You can always split summons for december and january HOTM too. Carol (4*) is an awesome tower hero. The 3 star fire gnome is also widely useful.

Morlovia has good heores but oh well not my cup of tea. Springvale is not the best IMO, even I love their artwork they’re mostly all kinda bad. Sand Empire is probably the worst, tho.

Lunar has the best heroes but odds are a joke.

Kalevala is OK too. You may end up with C. Kulervo or the leaf minion girl.

Well. Guess it’s kinda personal or based on your needs - like always. But i still like Xmas better. :slight_smile:

It kinda does not matter anyway. Power creep just made everything so non sense with that stats mess. Do anything matter at this point? I think planning or making strategies won’t take you anywhere anymore. :thinking:

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As a vc2p I always check 4* and 3* first.
Christmas have great 3* (Jolly and Buster), if you focus on events and 3* tournament you should spend some tokens to get them. There is not a lot of must have 3, but those gnomes are that useful.

P. S. Plus 5*, even old ones are still good. I use my Pengi regularly and cMN every very fast mode.

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Who is ready to all-in his EHT tomorrow ?
I saved 38 tokens… Hope to get Francine C, Alucard C or one of the new heroes… But Alucard C seems very OP

I saved mine for mystery heroes… None in kalevala… Seems like the .1% mystery hero is no more, but I’ll hold until the last day

I use them if three conditions are met: A seasonal event is active, doesn’t matter which. I haven’t pulled the HotM. I’ve got a choice in mind for the fated summon.

I’ll likely drop the last one eventually. The fated summon is becoming less and less interesting.

I’ve been known to break this condition if I need a 4star for the Path of Giants.



Also i would add for me personally it depends on the featured heroes.

If for example i say i like Santa the most because of some of the oldish heroes like Krampus C, MN C, Pengi, Ginger and Tinsel (maybe i am missing some decent hero), when they are not featured the chance to get any of them is very slim. I may end up with none of them from 100 pulls. Same with other events. My choice would depend on featured heroes. If they suck, i may skip, unless there are other things (mentioned in above comments) i may consider like HOTM, Secret Hero and more.

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A lot of the comments are saying there is no best. I agree with this.

But the votes favor xmas. That’s surprise to me. Years ago this was a clear choice. But nowadays who is the xmas hero everyone is chasing? I see mentions of buster and jolly, who both are great.

Is it because folks are disappointed in the new Morlovia heroes and the expect better xmas heroes this year? Are folks clinging to the past?

I also see two solo votes. @Abhi-Anjali-Rai and @MasterE id like to hear thoughts behind your votes. What are the rest of us missing?

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That’s a good point. I no longer use C-MN and I just stripped C-Krampus of his emblems :sweat_smile: I do love Ginger though and still use Pengi for MT.


For path of giants I usually collect some heroes from TC20. They count too.

Yup. But it’s random. Sometimes you get skunked. Saved up EHT can supplement TC20. Running TC20 comes at a cost too… it’s not as efficient as TC 2 or 11 at producing trainers.

I always use them in the actualy event. No matter which portal gives unusable trash… (referring to summon chances)
Last time when i was gathering, (many events ago) got ZERO legendary from 80 pulls) So dont care anymore.

Morlovia is the nearest event. That is why I voted. No specific reason. Game is getting worse everyday and I stopped doing long term plans. When an event arrives, I use my tokens.


Best reason I’ve heard for a specific portal. I used all of my tokens at the start of Kalevala. And I have 32 more for Morlovia and plan to use all of them here.
Only reason I’d wait is if I get HOTM early on those pulls.


Also there is an another reason for me. I dont have any luck in seasonal portal. I only pulled a 5* with epic hero tokens since I started to play. This hero is Zenukwa. So I know I won’t pull any good heroes and I use EHTs immediately

Personally, I find the Morlova heroes somewhat lacking in general. The next good portal coming up is Santa’s Challenge.

It also depends on what you already have and where you need to strengthen.

Then again … I don’t recall ever getting a 5* from a seasonal portal (other than the odd S1’s).