The forum is great for finding what you need. We got another team of 9 come to us and another member as well and it’s been great. It allowed us to hit higher titan for better MATs, and that’s exactly what you need.
Same thing in the forum too (I may have even been one of those hyenas a time or two myself )
But seriously @J-Knight if you make a post in the recruiting category that you’re shopping around you’ll have lots of good options. Include your basic stats and what you’re looking for, some will want more info but it’s a good way to get the process started.
Chadmo, that would be cool but the alliance I am in is not mine I am just a member. I really do not want to be the recruiter either, seems a little difficult and time consuming. really just do not know if it would be my place to tell then to join another team.
Ysabella, I will definitely get my info together to get this out thank you!
Perhaps you can say “I need more of a challenge. I’m looking at other alliances and will be leaving. If anyone else wants to face harder titans and get better loot, let me know.”
There may be other members that feel like you and you can do the scouting for a team that fits you.
Yes, you’ve outgrown your alliance and definitely should look into more challenging alliances.
I’m curious about my situation as well.
I HAVE NOT received a 4 mats drops* in 4+ months with my current alliance, it’s been so frustrating that I don’t look at the chat after the titan dies.
We’ve faced 14* for nearly this entire span and while I don’t have exact numbers, most of the members have received typical drops.
I too love this alliance, the members are great, wars are 90% win rate and there is no drama.
@Ender_BattleSchool put in a good word for me, I desperately need some mats, I think I have 30+ heroes sitting at 3/70.
A more subtle way is to explain why you’re leaving and then mention that you are joining ABC alliance and hope to see them one day in war!
That way they know where to find you if they’d like to make a change, too.
Great idea!
20 agreements!
Can’t not mention that Dark Souls has two spots open. Best of luck in your search… everything that has been said above is spot on.
A lot of times, alliances are willing to let ex members stay in their Line chats… especially when things ended on a positive note. There’s no reason why play style has to come between friendships that have been built over the months. I wish you all the best on your transition.
Great thread. I’m going through the same dilemma. However I’m the leader, so a bit more complicated. Definitely will keep my eye on this thread for my own therapy.
J-Knight —>. If you are looking for an alliance, consider Digital Warriors. We are killing 7-8 star titans and have an active and talkative group. We have a lot of 4000+ defense teams for wars and enough spots if you can bring a few other members over.
I was the leader when I decided to make the switch. It actually went a lot easier then I thought it would. It all depends on what you want. I personally wanted to be more competitive and it just wasn’t going to happen in the alliance I was in to reach the level titans and war competitiveness that I wanted. They were all great people but I was just progressing much quicker and just outgrew it.
I always check before joining an alliance, how active each member is. Sometimes explains why they’re not hitting higher level titans. What’s disappointing though, is the ads that say they’re an active alliance and yet have members that have been awol for days, weeks or even months .
All the very best in your decision making, as there really are lots of awesome alliances to choose from. You will be inundated with offers!
If you have found a new home, you had sooo many offers, you can tag a friendly moderator to close your thread.
It took me a long time to make the jump to a new alliance. We were stuck at 7* titans and the alliance had grown stale. I was the leader, so I asked the team if they wanted to leave with me. 10 followed me to a new alliance. 5 have stayed with me at the new alliance. The jump has renewed my enjoyment in playing the game. The alliance is full of active players, and I don’t feel responsible for carrying the team. The change will be worth it.
You should look for an alliance with a score of 170,000-200,000. You will most likely need to change how you approach titans and wars. I had to change my titan teams and my war teams.
Best of luck!
Come check out The Marley Army! We are fighting 8 to 10 star Titans on regulate basis! No hard core rules…just use your flags! You would be a good fit because we like active players who want to grow! Alliance is 600+ Days and going strong! Good luck, Marge 32179
Saw your post. Looking for a new recruit for our Alliance. We have an opening at USA One!! Fun, game driven group. Doing Titans of 8+, wars are on Wednesday and Saturdays. Come check us out. Open invite!!
Consider our family alliances. Both are Casual with a friendly vibe AND Competitve without being too intense.
Mystic has openings and has no problem with visitors or mercs staying to evaluate “fit”. Stop by any time.
Good luck on your search.
Msg me at saberofempires on line.
Players leave alliances for a bevy of reasons. In one of my alliances one person left because he didn’t feel it was competitive enough for him but just days later another player stepped out because she thought it too competitive and each found an alliance more closely alignment their playstyle. It’s hard leaving friends but it sounds like you are a more serious player in a “fun” alliance.