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I feel like I am finally to the point on building depth on my roster and wondering when everyone decided to start color stacking? I mostly attack rainbow (CKiril, GM, Telly, Joon, Sartana) but am wondering when a good time to start raiding/war/titan with a color stack? Do you start when you have 4/5 maxed heroes of a specific color or start some at 3/70?
Also, what is the stack most prefer? Mono, 3-2, 3-1-1? I feel like I am always short the right color stones, but also sure it is just because I am newer to stacking.
I always do mono for titans or preferably 4-1 (with the 1 being Wu) for titans. I have a defense dropper in each color but yellow, where my 1 in that color is Wilbur.
For raiding I use all sorts of combinations. Mostly 3-2, sometimes 3-1-1 (off-color is either two healers, dispellers or cleansers), sometimes mono. Once in a while, I use rainbow with support heavy heroes and healers, but not often.
Always went with my strongest in that color. When I started, that meant I took 2* heroes at 3.40 and 3* heroes non-maxed (though I was fighting 6*s regularly back then).
Titans: Wu (or better alternative) + Defense downer (if none in the right color exists, Wilbur would be the best choice) + whatever you got maxed in the right color. Would do it that way as soon as possible.
Raids: Try out a bit what fits your playstyle. I prefer 4-1 but I hate mono. Most of my alliance mates prefer 3-2 though. When your roster isn’t that deep yet, 2-2-1 could also be an option. Or, as you mentioned, 3-1-1.
I can’t see your heroplan profile. So I cannot give you any specific advice on team set up. Maybe you need to change your settings? I also had problems that the option with “only visible via direct link” didn’t work. (Could be a bug @GDIBass?)
War: When my roster wasn’t super deep, I tended to experiment and sometimes not use my strongest team I use for raids and tried to build more midcore-teams by mixing strong heroes with not yet fully maxed ones or 3 stars. Doing that, I could set up more 3-2 teams and wasn’t left with crap for the last flag. Improved my overall war performance back then.
I honestly don’t think there was a problem on your end, when I went back in to settings it was set to alliance only, so possible I didn’t click save or internet hickup. Worked perfect the 2nd time. I love the site, thank you for all you do on that.
Ok, after checking your profile, I think your roster is definately deep enough to go for color stacking. As I said, try out and see what fits your play style. In red BT, Gormek and GM will work great together. cRigs is always a great choice for off colour.
I see a great a great synergizing yurple team in cRigs, cTibs, cLi Xiu, Danza and Joon.
In general with your current option I see more good 3-2 options than 4-1. Mostly including cRigs+cTibs.
Those two with Telly, Horghall and Lianna being another one… or maybe better Brynhild to boost Horghalls Mana speed. Also when you wanna try out 3-1-1 teams, she will always be a viable option to protect and speed up your average and slow heroes.
Great points! I have been doing Red Stacking on green titans and agree the BT/Gormek/GM combo work nicely together. Will be even better when I get Wilbur leveled (replace Gormek) and can maybe add a Tyr as my 4th on titans.